vascular thrombosis

vascular thrombosisvascular thrombosis
  1. Simultaneous transplantation of pancreas and kidney in dogs : a new method to prevent vascular thrombosis


  2. B-Flow Imaging in the Diagnosis of Vascular Thrombosis of Lower Extremities


  3. Association Study of Platelet Glycoprotein HPA-1 and HPA-2 Polymorphism with Cerebral Vascular Thrombosis


  4. UT shows satisfied short - term effect in treatment of peripheral vascular thrombosis , but more attention should be given to the long-term effect .


  5. Objective To evaluate association between platelet glycoprotein HPA-1 , HPA-2 polymorphisms and cerebral vascular thrombosis .


  6. Conclusions Platelet glycoprotein HPA-1 and HPA-2 polymorphisms are not associated with cerebral vascular thrombosis in our cohort .


  7. Results There were no significant differences in HPA-1 and HPA-2 genotype frequencies and allele frequencies between cerebral vascular thrombosis patients and controls .


  8. Pathological changes of TAO are non-suppurative inflammation , with full-thickness vascular thrombosis and luminal obstruction , and the changes are segmental .


  9. Excessive diuresis may result in dehydration and reduction in blood volume , with circulatory collapse and with the possibility of vascular thrombosis and embolism , particularly in elderly patients .


  10. Showed significant enlargement of liver cells , plasma osteoporosis , translucent , but still the shape of polygons ; tumor and the surrounding areas of vascular thrombosis endometrial thickening of the merger .


  11. AIM : To evaluate the therapeutic effects of intraluminal ultrasound thrombolysis ( UT ) in the treatment of peripheral vascular thrombosis model and to observe the changes of vascular endothelium and venous valve after UT .


  12. Roentgenography , flexible bronchoscopy and echocardiography were in normal range in all patients with no bronchial stent stenosis or vascular thrombosis . The overall 1,3 and 5 year survival rates were 82 9 % , 48 1 % and 35 3 % , respectively .


  13. Objective To prevent the cerebral vascular thrombosis , synthesize a triple helix-forming phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotides ( TFO-ps ) with shear stress responsive eliment ( SSRE ) in TF gene promoter and determine affinity of phosphorothioate TFOs .


  14. Endothelial cells participate in many physiological and pathological processes like angiogenesis , vascular homeostasis , thrombosis , inflammation and vascular wall remodeling .


  15. Apart from infection of vascular anastomosis , thrombosis resulted from stenosis of anastomosis was the most common cause of fistula dysfunction in the early stage .


  16. Interstitial edema , infiltration of inflammatory cells , fibroelastosis , thickening of vascular intima , thrombosis and inflammation of vessels were also found .


  17. The result suggested that TXB 2 was correlated to the microcirculation disturbance in the cases of burns and might develop into the vascular constriction , thrombosis and progressive tissue necrosis .


  18. The role of vascular endothelial cells in thrombosis caused by biomaterials


  19. β _Aescin reduced blood viscosity , plasma viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation index , increased microvessel tension and blood flow velocity , decreased leukocyte adhesion to vascular wall and white thrombosis formation .


  20. ACS is due to instability of plaque rupture and erosion complicated by thrombosis , vascular spasm and microvascular thrombosis under the action of multiple factors such as caused by acute or subacute myocardial oxygen reduction .


  21. A result of research showed that LPS and IL-1B can increase the expression of tissue factor , which can lead to blood coagulation in vascular endothelial cells and thrombosis . Linoleic acid and linolenic acid can inhibit the expression of the tissue factor .
