variety of styles

美 [vəˈraɪəti əv staɪlz]英 [vəˈraɪəti ɒv staɪlz]
  • 纷繁多样的风格
variety of stylesvariety of styles
  1. We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes .


  2. Can you show me variety of styles like this one ?


  3. The new music quickly grew into a wide variety of styles and a cultural phenomenon .


  4. The style of English for law is the most formal in a variety of styles .


  5. Mobile phone chain , a variety of styles are welcome to wholesale !


  6. Having a variety of styles and designs . Reusable , stable and environmental .


  7. Jazz comes in a wide variety of styles , and has several defining features .


  8. There appears a great variety of styles and schools in the creation of contemporary novels .


  9. They easily show off your personality as they come in a variety of styles and colors .


  10. One hundred rhythm and bass patterns cover a variety of styles with realistic PCM sound .


  11. There are many types of software development artifacts , and these may exist in many forms and reflect a variety of styles .


  12. The beauty of silver brooches is that they come in a wide variety of styles .


  13. The garments were sold in a variety of styles , colors and printed fabrics .


  14. Wide variety of styles , mainly apply to indoor , interior corridor , and so on aisle !


  15. The case allows for the user to swap lenses , and control a much wider variety of styles and functions .


  16. Odd-type button pendants , a variety of styles , welcome to order .


  17. These totes are reasonably priced , come in a variety of styles and colors .


  18. In the poster design , the use of Chinese characters with a variety of styles , different styles have different mood and the aesthetic .


  19. Chinese liquors faced the worldwide problem of the identification of vintage because their objective existence of great difference , variety of styles .


  20. In recording the activities of the United Nations , the stamps have displayed an enormous variety of styles and designs .


  21. The Google Chart API is a useful service that provides the ability to construct complex and rich graphics using a variety of styles and options .


  22. At the same time , because of the different endowment and life sorrow , their creating has variety of styles which displayed theirs unique perspective .


  23. In his film technology , artistic many innovative , different movies have different style , a variety of styles in his photography lens used in handy .


  24. Architecturally , the ocean front luxury hotel , comprised of two high-rise and lower rise structures , which displays a variety of styles .


  25. In addition , Mu Qing news writing style to explore the contemporary news business insights , news writing for a variety of styles and make modest .


  26. Miss Wang is the owner of an obsession with wine , each wine are her clients carefully selected , quality , variety of styles .


  27. Pearl brooches , autumn and winter when the assembly with a variety of styles , small wholesale , welcome to negotiate !


  28. For example , they can have table cells that span multiple rows and columns , with an application of a variety of styles and embedded objects and media .


  29. He was proficient in both traditional Chinese ink and Western oil painting and experimented with a variety of styles including Fauvism and Cubism .


  30. As means of plastic arts of clothing , the use of pleats is intended mainly to add aesthetic delight and demonstrate the variety of styles .
