- v.电子烟;吸电子烟

So , what does vape mean ?
You have to Vape and have a tattoo which makes you look cool .
Vape is also the modifier for other nouns , creating new compound nouns which are growing in popularity .
As e-cigarettes ( or e-cigs ) have become much more common , so vape has grown significantly in popularity .
Other words that placed in the top 15 , included hashtag , vape , Ebola and photo bomb .
The firm , for example , employs testers who vape and check for flaws . " The big challenge is how to make a quality product . "
The incident took place in a vape shop on Saturday afternoon as the man was purchasing new parts for his e-cigarette , The reports .
Vape Although there is a shortlist of strong contenders , it was vape that emerged victorious as Word of the Year .
You are thirty times more likely to come across the word vape than you were two years ago , and usage has more than doubled in the past year .
Mark : Well , there 's a lot less nicotine in e-juice - that 's the stuff that goes into a vape pen or a mod .
The most common of these are vape pen and vape shop , and there is also recent evidence for vape lounge , vape fluid , vape juice , and others .
I bought a vape pen when I was in America for three months . The last three weeks there , I had nothing to do . So , I just transitioned into vaping .
However , despite these early beginnings , Oxford Dictionaries research shows that it wasn 't until 2009 that this sense of vape ( and vaping ) started to appear regularly in mainstream sources .
The definition was added in August 2014 : the verb means ' to inhale and exhale the vapour produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device , " while both the device and the action can also be known as a vape .
Usage of vape peaked in April 2014 - as the graph below indicates - around the time that the UK 's first ' vape caf é " ( The Vape Lab in Shoreditch , London ) opened its doors , and protests were held in response to New York City banning indoor vaping .