utility theory of value

美 [juːˈtɪləti ˈθiːəri əv ˈvæljuː]英 [juːˈtɪləti ˈθɪəri ɒv ˈvæljuː]
  • 效用价值论;价值的效用论,效用价值论
utility theory of valueutility theory of value
  1. Discrimination and Analysis of the Relationship between Labor Theory of Value and Utility Theory of Value


  2. Study on problem of utility theory of value from the object , aim and method of Political Economics


  3. The Union of Labor Theory of Value and Marginal Utility Theory of Value


  4. Final utility theory of value


  5. The factor theory and utility theory of value of the capitalist economics are mistaken .


  6. As a theory of value , utility theory of value certainly includes value measure , which is the view of thinking capitalistic system as rational and eternal .


  7. Clark is the marginal utility theory of value marginal productivity theory of distribution of the premise is correct in the Austrian theory based on the past .


  8. Research on the Pricing Mechanism and the Establishment of Price Quoting Systems of Logistics Companies On the Labor Theory of Value and the Utility Theory of Value from the Perspective of Product Objectification


  9. The two definitions of value , one in political economics which stands for the labor theory of value , the other in philosophy which stands for the utility theory of value , can coexist in their own applicative fields respectively .


  10. It 's a system of " Utility / Labor Theory of Value " .


  11. Using the theory of utility value , theory of labor value , theory of value engineering and theory of ecological environment value , the paper analyzed the value of urban green space .
