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  • 网络乌列;乌利尔;乌力尔
  1. His mother 's name also was Michaiah the daughter of Uriel of Gibeah .


  2. The Twilight Convenant , a pact signed by all Angels , including Uriel , to end the fighting between Light and Darkness forever , has so far stood in his way .


  3. My question to Uriel was why did this happen and why do I feel so helpless .


  4. AM Uriel , come this day to remind you that you are all visionaries in the making .


  5. Azreal , I ask you to speak to the message from Uriel .


  6. Uriel : His name means " God Is Light . " He heals resentment and unforgiveness , and gives us insight and new ideas .


  7. Uriel is described as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the Archangels .


  8. Uriel here in the Light of Aton , I say hold on and keep those seat belts strapped for the ride may be bumpy .


  9. Uriel is considered the Angel who helps us with natural disasters and is called for to avert such events , or to heal and recover in their aftermath .


  10. Uriel is often confused with Ariel , the Angel of nature , wild beasts , and courage , who is also credited as the overseer of the earth spirits .


  11. At one of the e-Menu tables , information technology worker Gil Uriel and his young family were enthusiastic as they checked out pictures of the dishes on offer and squabbled over desserts .


  12. Mr Uriel explains that a team of eight people can control every camera , exit and public address loudspeaker and so ensure that bottlenecks do not form ( the police have their own conventional closed-circuit TV system for crowd monitoring ) .


  13. Three years he reigned in Jerusalem , and his mother 's name was Michaia , the daughter of Uriel of Gabaa : and there was war between Abia and Jeroboam .


  14. And David called for Zadok and Abiathar the priests , and for the Levites , for Uriel , Asaiah , and Joel , Shemaiah , and Eliel , and Amminadab
