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  • 网络工作单元;卧龙岗大学;卧龙冈大学;澳洲卧龙岗大学;英国威尔士大学
  1. Locate the application , UOW and activity ID for the data


  2. When a transaction occurs or at the end of a UOW


  3. Any applications that complete the UOW within the ten minutes are automatically rerouted to the active members .


  4. A transaction is a set of one or more statements that are executed together as a unit of work ( UOW ) .


  5. Only the first statement in a UOW is used to determine if rerouting the statement to another partition should occur .


  6. If , after ten minutes , the UOW is not completed , then the DB2 software will automatically force off that application .


  7. Transactions are used to make sure that all transactions that are part of a UOW are executed or that none of them are executed at all .


  8. Sometimes a unit of work ( UOW ) is started for a user session , but the UOW is not committed or rolled back .


  9. The db2stop quiesce command waits for that UOW to be completed before stopping that member .


  10. It will collect all the detailed activity information including section explain and section actuals for the given combination of application ID , UOW ID , and activity ID.


  11. The locks are released when the process ends or when a commit operation releases locks that were acquired during a unit of work ( UOW ) .


  12. In some cases you may encounter situations where a user session for which a unit of work ( UOW ) was started but was not committed or rolled back .


  13. For situations like this , you can specify a timeout value , for example-ten minutes , which would allow the application ten minutes to complete the UOW .


  14. A UOW is a recoverable sequence of operations within an application process ; it ends as a result of a commit operation , a rollback operation , or the end of the application process .


  15. Unless a timeout value is specified , the db2stop quiesce will have to wait for that UOW to be completed before stopping that member .
