
  • 网络不健康的;不健康地
  1. Across much of the eurozone , banks are both undercapitalised and facing a growing funding shortfall , making them unhealthily dependent on costly funds from the European Central Bank .


  2. They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere


  3. According to the experts , too-quiet offices are a growing problem . Almost complete silence in office is unhealthily stressful .


  4. His liability was also unhealthily low in comparison to his net worth .


  5. The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily .


  6. A law in France banning the use of unhealthily thin fashion models has come into effect .


  7. Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight .


  8. Almost complete silence in office is unhealthily stressful .


  9. Old pal sets the medical fee inside limits in the system , should be reimbursed for what one spends , want to make they can receive seasonable treatment unhealthily .


  10. Italy has many of the characteristics that make Greece dysfunctional : widespread tax evasion , huge government debt , a political system based around patronage and an unhealthily dependent relationship with the EU .


  11. Thanks to a combination of reduced flow and increased run-off from saline soils churned up by agriculture , the water was becoming unhealthily salty , especially in its lower reaches .


  12. Because the science and technology of agriculture fell behind , the ecosystem environment was broken , funds and talent was hard up , and market mechanism grew unhealthily , the development of agricultural superiority industries was restricted .


  13. But when a company is already unhealthily indebted , creditors resemble owners ; the odds of bankruptcy are rising , so bondholders also face the danger that their cash receipts may stop .


  14. Alison Tedstone , head of nutritional science at the Food Standard Agency , said : ' Overall , people on low incomes have less than ideal diets , but their diets are only slightly worse than those of the rest of the population . ' The study also showed that low earners are choosing to eat unhealthily .
