undue influence

美 [ˌʌnˈduː ˈɪnfluəns]英 [ˌʌnˈdjuː ˈɪnfluəns]
  • 过多的影响
undue influenceundue influence
  1. It might give the Commission undue influence over the coming negotiations


  2. On the Undue Influence in Contract Law of Britain and America


  3. The Legislation Orientation and Legislation Design of Undue Influence


  4. He tried to exercise an undue influence upon his colleagues .


  5. Such chumminess has long raised fears about undue influence .


  6. The statute requires proof that there was some undue influence --


  7. He 's not had any undue influence on you ?


  8. Usually , it is divided into actual undue influence and presumed undue influence .


  9. Perhaps their spending has an undue influence on the prices faced by the representative household .


  10. Second , external factors , which mainly are human relationships , bribes , undue influence and intervention of power .


  11. Recent history shows that a booming financial services industry can garner undue influence , even in advanced countries with robust institutions .


  12. As for the composing and holding of undue influence , Britain and the United States have their own feature .


  13. This means that each party negotiates directly in its own self-interest without undue influence from other interested parties .


  14. And the arguments focus on the question how undue influence is affirmed because of its uncertainty and ambiguity .


  15. Nor are they willing to see European politicians exert undue influence over any special IMF fund to which they contribute .


  16. The contract has been entered into under undue influence or the influence of danger and its terms are obviously inequitable ;


  17. Examples of void contracts are those entered as a result of misrepresentation , duress or undue influence .


  18. Undue influence is a kind of system to affirm the validity of contract , which derived from equity and based on the principle of justice .


  19. Besides , there are many ways to supervise for the Undue Influence , such as the Government Departments , Industry Association , Consumers ' Association .


  20. These include those who cannot give or refuse consent for themselves and those who may be vulnerable to coercion or undue influence .


  21. Mr. Galvin on Wednesday said he is concerned that now the trading arms on Wall Street are putting undue influence on research analysts to win business . '


  22. Rating information no longer has to be maintained on one site ( which can lead to charges of undue influence ) but can be culled from multiple locations .


  23. My court testimony typically is focused upon the behavior of destructive groups , their persuasion techniques and the undue influence that such groups often gain over adherents .


  24. In essence , undue influence belongs to meaning representation flaw relief system in legal act theories . This is a system unique to Common law , for which we are lack in .


  25. Through the way of supervision , I not only hope to regulate the Undue Influence in the Hairdressing and Beauty Contract , but also hope to improve the market in good order .


  26. The question is whether he was well served or whether he allowed others , notably Karl Rove , his Machiavellian campaign adviser , undue influence .


  27. We note with pleasure that there has been an increasingly successful effort on the part of NSFC to ensure fairness and lack of undue influence in the proposal selection process .


  28. In the complaint filed Friday , the family members allege that Parks'longtime friend Elaine Steele , who handled her affairs , exerted undue influence over Parks .


  29. Recently , however , the Supreme Court issued a decision that overturned decades of law and precedent – dealing a huge blow to our efforts to rein in this undue influence .


  30. If the product owner is able to exert undue influence over that commitment , then the team can 't call that commitment truly their own , thus losing much of the self-organizing power of Scrum .
