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UNCLOS laid a legal foundation for fishing quotas system worldwide implementation .
The third chapter ⅰ will give comments on the conflicts between Antarctic Treaty System and the UNCLOS and their defects as well as point out the main legal issues .
UNCLOS and Territorial Disputes over the South China Sea
If China were to limit itself to claims based on UNCLOS , things would be clearer .
UNCLOS refers to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea .
China stands for seeking fair solution of the differences through negotiation on the basis of the UNCLOS .
Land territorial issues are not regulated by UNCLOS .
Unclos rules require that parties to the dispute agree on the composition of the arbitration panel .
Such declarations made by about 30 states , including China , form an integral part of the UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanism .
Vietnam is considering following the Philippines ' lead by lodging its own Unclos claim .
Nor , strictly speaking , can Unclos arbitrate in sovereign disputes .
This paper firstly analyzed the characteristics of the fisheries resources , their utilization , and the impact of the UNCLOS on their conservation and exploitation .
Thus , the territorial issue in Nansha Qundao is not subject to UNCLOS .
Both sides are entitled to claim EEZ and continental shelf in accordance with the UNCLOS .
Then , the paper will outline the specific criteria to demarcate the boundary of the Outer Continental Shelf in the UNCLOS .
Once again , UNCLOS is the common power that is supposed to prevent these disputes degenerating into an Arctic melee .
Unclos was only concluded in 1982 .
Article 56 ( 3 ) of the UNCLOS embodying the equitable principle makes a guidance on how to delimitate the continental shelf .
The Chinese foreign ministry said the dispute with the Philippines was excluded from arbitration because of a declaration made by China when it ratified Unclos in 2006 .
They also point out that the dispute involves maritime boundary delimitations arising from overlapping EEZs , which China opted out of compulsory arbitration when it ratified Unclos .
A crucial point is that countries must lodge their pleas with the Commission within a decade of bringing UNCLOS into force , or else risk losing forever the rights to extend their reach .
and third , sovereign states directly concerned shall " eventually negotiat [ e ] a settlement of the bilateral disputes " in accordance with universally recognized principles of international law , including the 1982 UNCLOS .
Then in line with the UNCLOS and other related international fishery laws and regulations , this paper discussed the necessity , the possible patterns and the main challenges for the joint conservation and exploitation of the fisheries resources .
This article discusses the various effects on territorial disputes of the South China Sea caused by those points mentioned in the UNCLOS on Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ), Continental Shelve , Island , Reefs , Archipelago States and Waters .
Pessimists point to the frontiersman belligerence of both Russia and Canada , and the continued refusal of the us to ratify UNCLOS , even though President George W. Bush is urging the Senate to do so .
the Philippines has wantonly abused the UNCLOS dispute settlement procedures . This initiation of arbitration aims not to settle its disputes with China , but to deny China 's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea .
Although China is an Unclos signatory , it has refused to take part in the case , arguing that it previously informed the UN that it does not accept any of the resolution procedures envisioned by Unclos for the South China Sea .
Under the UN Convention on the law of the sea ( UNCLOS ) - the most important source of international marine territorial law - countries can lodge claims with the Commission to extend their seabed exploitation rights beyond the standard 200 nautical miles offshore .
The Outer Continental Shelf system stipulated by the UNCLOS provided the legal possibilities for the surrounded Arctic countries to publicly extend their demands for interest and then to occupy the Arctic region . Therefore it has already become the core issue of the arctic dispute .
In 2006 , pursuant to Article 298 of UNCLOS , China made an optional exceptions declaration excluding from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of UNCLOS disputes concerning , among others , maritime delimitation , historic bays or titles , military and law enforcement activities .