unable to decide

美 [ʌnˈeɪbl tu dɪˈsaɪd]英 [ʌnˈeɪbl tu dɪˈsaɪd]
  • 无法决定的;无法决定(或裁决、判定)
unable to decideunable to decide
  1. But when two H-bots became imperiled , the robot choked 42 percent of the time , unable to decide which to save and letting them both " die . "


  2. I 'm still unable to decide what to do .


  3. Uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow .


  4. Our last Congress was unable to decide this question .


  5. She stood in the doorway , unable to decide whether to go in .


  6. I 'm unable to decide for myself .


  7. The opinions about whether Zheng He even set foot on the Taiwan Island always vary and people are unable to decide which is right .


  8. My dear fellow schoolmates , we might be unable to decide our life span , but we can determine the value of our life .


  9. The western academic circles and the legislation circles still unable to decide which is the right description of the right to know administrative information after the long time appearance of this concept .


  10. We now have access to so much information , we literally are unable to decide what is true , right , cogent , coherent , just , or even correct .


  11. The fascist ideology of " literature of the people of emperor " has already become the final conclusion , but the appraisal on works of " literature of the people of the emperor " is unable to decide which is right .


  12. An older couple had a son , who was still living at home . The parents were a little warried , as the son was still unable to decide about his future carrer , so they decided to do a small test .


  13. The image of Zheng He was not of a powerful nation who sought to colonize the land of those natives , The opinions about whether Zheng He even set foot on the Taiwan Island always vary and people are unable to decide which is right .


  14. In the meantime , as Tadamori Oshima , the LDP 's Diet-affairs chairman , moans ," The world believes Japan 's politicians are unable to decide on anything , not even to put one foot in front of the other . "


  15. Lacking decisiveness of character ; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly .
