- 网络友木友;联合国大学

Study of SOS / umu Site Mutagenesis Test for Detection of Indoor Air Pollution
The estrogenic activities and mutation effects of nonylphenol ethoxylates before and after microbial degradation were studied with the recombinant gene yeast and SOS / Umu test .
The genotoxicity of a total of 41 surface soil samples from Tianjin Area , Northern China were examined by SOS / umu test for the assessment of regional risks associated with the spatial distribution of genotoxic substances .
It suggestes that SOS / Umu chromotest can not replace Ames test in detecting genetic toxicity of mixed organic Pollutants in wastewater , and yeast S. cerevisiae as a tool in genetic toxicity test is a important supplement for Ames test .
The genotoxicity of two main components of oxidative hair dyes , such as p phenylenediamine ( PPD ) and hydrogen peroxide ( H 2O 2 ), and their mixture were determined by SOS / Umu assay to confirm the genotoxic origin of oxidative hair dyes .