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  • 网络超高清;超高画质;超高解析度;超高清画质;超高分辨率
  1. Today , there aren 't even any UHD videogames or major sports coverage .


  2. Most movies and shows today still aren 't shot with cameras that record in UHD .


  3. Netflix will push UHD because it wants its streaming technology to leapfrog physical media and traditional broadcasters .


  4. TV manufacturers are solidly behind UHD .


  5. But expect Hollywood 's own UHD content to arrive in a trickle , rather than a tsunami .


  6. In real world terms , that could mean better looking 4K / UHD content – which could , in turn , lure more consumers to the technology .


  7. But to enjoy the full benefits of UHD , you 'll need a fast broadband connection , and possibly a couch that 's much closer to your TV .


  8. Two years later , the talk began to focus on 4K / Ultra High Definition ( UHD ) sets - and it quickly began to look like history was about to repeat itself .


  9. On the Samsung HU9000 , I experienced a qualitatively better image both with UHD content and regular Blu-ray HD content that the TV ' upscaled ' to Ultra HD .


  10. Netflix , the first premium service to deliver UHD video over the Internet , has accomplished an impressive feat in making it work over broadband ( at no additional cost to subscribers ) .


  11. The increasing success of 4K / UHD sets may be tied , ironically , to a device that 's better known for drawing people 's attentions away from their TVs - the smartphone .


  12. Bill Lee , vice president of television product marketing at Samsung , says the television industry shipped 800,000 4K / UHD sets last year – and Samsung expects to see a four-fold increase to that number in 2015 .


  13. Meanwhile , 4K / UHD TV manufacturers and content creators , including Disney DIS - 0.53 % and Netflix , have established a new coalition called the UHD Alliance that plans to set standards for 4K content and delivery .
