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  • 网络练习曲
  1. Since then I have named the piece in D flat major as the Betrothal é tude , and look on myself as a matchmaker .


  2. Determination of the expanding pressure limit in soft medium tude expansion


  3. There 's only one tool that can change my ' tude ,


  4. Development and Application of Tude Cement Injection Bolt


  5. Study on Complex Interface Bonding Strength in Al / Cu Bimetal Tude Drawing


  6. Application of sink well with mix blend stake on work well and receive well in crest tude Engineering


  7. A research on the attenuation performance of gas flow pulsation and numerical method in perforated tude with orifice plate


  8. Then , we use simulation software MAGIC to compare and validate the Gyro-travelling wave tude .


  9. Fragile heart , such as Mermaid Tude bubble , only a short-lived dream .


  10. It is shown that the microstructures , alloying element distribution and magnetic conductivity of P tude remarkably differ from those of S tube .


  11. The radiative heat transfer coefficients of the immersed tude within the operating conditions of the fluidized bed combustion boiler with low grade coal are also discussed .


  12. This paper calculated the resonant length of longitudinal sonic ampli - tude transformer with additional mass ( the tool ) in supersonic vibration cutting .


  13. Fast running time , Tude about pop-up to those who jump across the forehead to touch the leaves , there are only infinite pleasure .


  14. By calculating and analyzing , this paper concludes the their influence law . APPLICATION OF SINK WELL WITH MIX BLEND STAKE ON WORK WELL AND RECEIVE WELL IN CREST TUDE ENGINEERING


  15. The electrogastrogram ampli - tude in certain circumstances is a response of the pathophysiological change of spleen , stomach and liver in Chinese traditional medicine .


  16. The former helps to obtain large driving force with constant ampl : tude , and the latter makes it possible to achieve high Q-values at atmospheric pressure .


  17. Experiment has showed that the uniformity of discharge of fast axial flow CO_2 laser can be improved by a multiple electrode system and a fluid introducing tude in front of the discharge tube .


  18. In this papers it studied the factors that influenced RC oscillator ampli - tude stability at ultra-low frequencies with a typical circuit and got some conclusions experimentally about selection of parameters for the amplitude stabilization circuit .


  19. Harlan 's method ( 1984 ) which uses the difference of ampli - tude probability distribution to separate seismic signals from noises provides a new noise-separate domain ( amplitude statistical domain ) for removing noises .


  20. Using U type tube we measure liquid surface height outside tube It may use finite quantity instead of infinite one , use reading microscope instead of height ruler so that we may promote exact degree and may orientate liquid surface height outside tude .


  21. Dynamical region of this receiver is more than 70dB ; frequency-agile rate of local signal is less than 4 μ m ; ampli - tude balance of I Q quadrature dual channel is better than 0.1dB ;


  22. [ Results ] 36 cases of bile duct calculi with laparoscopic choledochotomy in elderly patients were successfully performed . The time of operation was 70 ~ 240 min ; T tude was placed in 33 cases , one stage suture in 3 cases ;


  23. The purpose of this activity is to change people 's atti - tude about the issue , reinforce the construction of family planning service centers , broaden the service area , provide male reproductive health service and above all uplift the quality of life and living standard .


  24. Though Mr. Zemmour 's is a work of reactionary nostalgia and Mr. Houellebecq 's a futuristic fantasy , both books have hit the dominant note in the national mood today : " inqui é tude , " or profound anxiety about the future .


  25. In the case of multiple-reservoir series whose vertical thickness is less than the tuning thickness , the multiple-reset - voir series can also be considered as a single thin bed , and its total thickness can also be determined by the composition reflection ampli - tude .
