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美 [ˈtrʌmpɪŋ]英 [ˈtrʌmpɪŋ]
  • v.胜过;赢;打败;出王牌赢(牌);出王牌压掉(他人的牌)
  • trump的现在分词



  • 1
    N-UNCOUNT-COLL (牌戏中的)王牌,主牌
    In a game of cards, trumps is the suit which is chosen to have the highest value in one particular game.

    Hearts are trumps.


  • 2
    N-COUNT (一张)王牌,主牌
    In a game of cards, a trump is a playing card which belongs to the suit which has been chosen as trumps.

    He played a trump.


  • 3
    VERB 胜过;压过
    If you trump what someone has said or done, you beat it by saying or doing something else that seems better.

    The Socialists tried to trump this with their slogan...


  • 4
    PHRASE 王牌;绝招;杀手锏
    Your trump card is something powerful that you can use or do, which gives you an advantage over someone.

    In the end, the Ten took their appeal to the Supreme Court; this, they had believed from the outset, would be their trump card...

    最后,10 个人上诉到最高法院:他们从一开始就认为这一招是他们的王牌。

  • 5
    PHRASE 意外地胜利;意外地成功
    If you say that someone came up trumps, you mean that they did something successfully, often when they were not expected to.

    Dwayne has come up trumps with a goal worthy of winning any match.



(card games) the act of taking a trick with a trump when unable to follow suit
Synonym: ruff


  1. Reality has a way of trumping art , and human-climate change is very real indeed .


  2. This quirky aversion may be a case of psychological security trumping physical comfort .


  3. Indeed , software is already trumping physical design as the source of competitive advantage in mobile phones .


  4. Single guys worked the hardest around the house , trumping all age groups of married men .


  5. Reality has a way of trumping art , and human-induced climate change is very real indeed .


  6. Trumping a talent less villain might seem all in a day 's work for three ingenious orphans .


  7. I 've heard that SolarWorld and the Western solar industry is just trumping up data because they can 't compete with the Chinese .


  8. Whatever bullshit charges he 's trumping up .


  9. Their rapidly again population will crush their medical services and the trumping up of their currency will bite them in their Szechuan one day soon .


  10. Moscow has quietly resumed sales of advanced arms technology to Beijing in a move that signals geopolitics and economics are trumping concerns about Chinese cloning of Russian weapons .


  11. Google published some data on Tuesday showing that Olympics-related searches over mobile phone increased 10-fold in the first week of the games , and mobile is trumping any other technology at key moments .


  12. However , even Maradona , who led Argentina to victory over West Germany in the 1986 World Cup final , was forced to concede the 27-year-old Messi is trumping him in the goal scoring stakes .


  13. From Bollywood to Bangkok , Lisbon to London , nations around the world make movies , but throughout motion picture history , American movies have traveled , compelling stories and appealing stars , trumping language and cultural differences .
