N-COUNT 行吟诗人,民谣歌手(12、13 世纪周游意大利及法国为贵族表演的诗人或歌手)
Troubadours were poets and singers who used to travel around and perform to noble families in Italy and France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. -
N-COUNT (尤指歌词在音乐中至关重要的)流行歌手
People sometimes refer to popular singers as troubadours, especially when the words of their songs are an important part of their music.
Once her husband to go out to fight a young Troubadour came to her home , the two became good friends .
One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century .
Troubadours were the authors of the new romance poems .
Another name for Romance Poetry that 's often synonym with it is troubadour poetry .
A Troubadour has a poised and composed attitude towards his individual and direct perceptions .
Troubadours mainly wrote love poems .
In a jealous rage the lord killed the troubadour and served his wife the man 's heart .
many troubadours were able to make a living being full time poets which should tell you something about the value of that profession during the medieval times .
" The joys of love are but a moment long ," sang the troubadour ," but the pain of love endures forever . " This .
And while today he places great value on the time he has with his family , he is not ready to surrender his life as a poet and grizzled troubadour .
Pop troubadour Wang Leehom wooed his fans with his butter-smooth vocals and wowed them with flashy pyrotechnics .
The political climate shave settle down enough so that troubadours had the luxury being able to spend most if not all of their time , creating , crafting or composing their love songs for their audiences .
And we know a lot more about the troubadours than we do about the Chanson authors , because they often had small biographical sketches added to their poems that gives more specific information about their social status , geographical location and small outlines of their career .