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美 [traɪn]英 [traɪn]
  • n.三个一组;【占星】三分一对座;三位一体
  • adj.三倍的;【占星】三分一对座的


the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
Synonym: three 3 III trio threesome tierce leash troika triad trinity ternary ternion triplet tercet terzetto trey deuce-ace


  1. Unless God were trine , there would not be happiness .


  2. The distribution network of the North Node consists of the Grand Trine houses that include the location of the North Node in the chart .


  3. The trine formed between Mercury and Jupiter shows you are likely to get a good education .


  4. The trine of composite Mercury and Ascendant is a very good aspect in any kind of relationship .


  5. The trine formed between Venus and Neptune denotes a highly romantic nature .


  6. The trine formed between Venus and Uranus shows that you are a person who enjoys life .


  7. The trine formed between Mars and Uranus shows originality and enthusiasm in your actions .


  8. The trine formed between Mars and Jupiter shows that your physical resources are applied in a well-integrated way .


  9. It is called the Trinity in Christianity , while called the Trine in Buddhism .


  10. The trine formed between Mars and Neptune suggests a successful integration of forceful action and dreams .


  11. The trine between Jupiter and Saturn shows serious purpose to your life which may have been influenced by a family tradition .


  12. But because Jupiter has moved back one sign and Venus has moved forward one , it puts them into a positive trine position .


  13. The trine formed between Mars and Saturn shows that you are a good soldier who always finishes assigned duties .


  14. The trine of Jupiter and Saturn in the composite chart gives your relationship a steady quality that is quite enviable .


  15. Saturn trine Uranus promotes the ability to use initiative and originality , whilst applying common sense and knowledge gained from applied commitment .


  16. And the condition of alcohol sedimentation were optimized with the extraction rate of80 % alcohol and contents of starchy trine hydrochloride .


  17. Great resilience is offered by Saturn trine Pluto , and the ability to maintain a focused effort with consistency and rigor .


  18. Her trine to nebulous Neptune replaces the reality of your relationships with what 's in your mind .


  19. A trine between Mars and Pluto shows that the assertiveness in your nature is well aligned with your dedication to causes .


  20. The trine formed between Jupiter and Neptune expands your latent intuitive faculties , giving a practical application to your hunches .


  21. German-American Baptist denomination founded in 1708 ; opposed to military service and taking legal oaths ; practiced trine immersion .


  22. If the controlling aspect is Trine and its complementary aspect becomes Sextile , the quality of that aspect improves in our judgment or readings .


  23. The same planet produces certain effects by its conjunction with a planet , others by its opposition , others by its trine , others by its square , etc.


  24. The equilateral triangle which we use as shorthand for the trine aspect shows the measurement between three planets at equal distances from each other in the sky .


  25. Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg was caught playing Pokemon Go while her liberal counterpart Trine Skei Grande was speaking in Parliament .


  26. It also comes just after the trine of transiting Uranus to its natal position , which marks a break with the past and an occasion to define one 's own individuality .


  27. The trine between Jupiter and Pluto produces a powerful exuberance in your nature that allows you to inspire others to their potential , as you likewise are able to achieve your own .


  28. Solberg is the leader of Norway 's Conservative Party , and the person speaking during her Pokemon Go session was none other than Trine Skei Grande , the leader of Norway 's Liberal Party .


  29. Not all new moons and full moons are friendly , but this is a sweet one , for it will receive an out-of-sign " trine "( a great aspect ) from Uranus , planet of surprise .


  30. Set in 1970s Copenhagen , the Commune follows married couple Anna ( Trine Dyrholm ) and Erik ( Ulrich Thomsen ) as they experiment with collective living in the house Erik inherited from his father .
