treat equally

美 [triːt ˈiːkwəli]英 [triːt ˈiːkwəli]
  • 平等对待
treat equallytreat equally
  1. Although physic and biology has something differences in ontology , treat equally in epistemology .


  2. Interpretative anthropology stresses that man should give up arrogant elite stance and hegemonic position . Instead they should treat equally and respect sincerely the culture and wisdom all around the world , and let them participate in the discussion about the destiny of the human kind .


  3. Treat equally male and female employees with young children .


  4. That is to say I want to be their good friend and treat them equally .


  5. Obviously the US must honour its laws and treat everyone equally under them .


  6. Only knowledge can treat everyone equally .


  7. To force debtors to treat them equally seems wrong .


  8. Treat them equally in the household so they can appreciate gender equality .


  9. Of course , teachers are not supposed to have favorite students , and they should treat everyone equally .


  10. Only those who respect other 's merits and treat others equally at any time are men of high morality .


  11. Lastly , part of teachers in hot high schools failed to communicate with the parents actively and treat parents equally .


  12. It is to treat litigants equally and not to discriminate against anyone .


  13. Also the foreign should treat Chinese equally in the external relations . Third , he uses his international theory to deal with the international problems .


  14. But your ability to treat people equally no matter how different from you they may be is an attractive quality that shows you are worthy of respect .


  15. After the October Revolution the Soviet government issued two manifestos to China , promising to abolish all unequal treaties and treat China equally .


  16. We should bravely face the drawback of humanity , treat it equally and afford humanity enough space for development , so that human society can evolve in harmony .


  17. Although Liang Qichao strives to treat them equally , due to numerous limitations , he is unable to authentically adopt justicial attitude towards minorities .


  18. I mean we should treat nature equally , leaving the chance of existence and development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing , and thus we will get the situation of win-win .


  19. On the other hand , Jiangxi government should implement the legal safeguard for private universities and colleges , treat teachers equally as those in public universities , reinforce management and raise cost of enrollment dishonor .


  20. The sample survey shows that a doctor or a nurse who is able to win patients'trust should treat patients equally , respect patients'personality , enhance mutual understanding , regard patients as their relatives , possess noble professional morality and foster a nice individual image .


  21. I wish all nations would treat one another equally and fairly with respect .


  22. Second , China and Nepal share mutual respect and treat each other equally .


  23. But that doesn 't mean that society shouldn 't treat the genders equally .


  24. To treat every dimension equally and adapt to sparse data , it is necessary to partition multidimensional array .


  25. The IMF should increase the share from emerging economies , and treat all members equally , Wu said .


  26. But I fancy that listeners do not treat our failings equally .


  27. O Net neutrality , the idea that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data equally , will survive .


  28. I promise that I will treat each student equally and I will try my best to take care of them and protect them .


  29. European Anti-dumping Law is seeking for high protectionism , which does not treat Chinese companies equally in the determination of normal value and export price .


  30. Which EU country treat foreign investment equally ? Years ago when Japanese wanted to buy Saab , the Sweden court banned the purchase .
