total losses

美 [ˈtoʊtl ˈlɔsəz]英 [ˈtəʊtl ˈlɒsɪz]
  • 网络总损失;总损耗;全部损失
total lossestotal losses
  1. Single sheet apparatus for measuring specific total losses of magnetic sheet and strip


  2. In the motors , iron losses account for a larger proportion of the total losses .


  3. The losses caused by stored-insects account for half of the total losses .


  4. Official creditors would , by then , have to bear a substantial part of the total losses .


  5. It mainly damages watermelon and melon , causes leaf blight and fruit rot and even total losses .


  6. The new estimate puts total losses at $ 117bn , compared with an earlier estimate of $ 141bn .


  7. Ballpark estimates of insured losses from Sandy are $ 10 billion , while total losses rise to $ 20 billion .


  8. The number who died in the siege of Leningrad exceeded the total losses of British and US forces combined in the entire war .


  9. Instead , Bank of America 's shares trade at one-third of book value , reflecting concern that total losses are a long way from being recognised .


  10. Banks would suffer slightly more than half the total losses , with the rest falling on insurance companies , pension funds , hedge funds and other investors .


  11. Inlet of diversion tunnel flow smoothly , There is no large-scale circulation in river upstream , loss of inlet take up about 7.5 % of total losses .


  12. The real death is the total losses of the soul . That is , the physical body presences , but the soul have died , so the lives lost their values .


  13. For the turbine stator cascade , the negative curving of blade can not improve the performance of the cascades as well , the total losses of straight cascade are the lowest .


  14. Another 85,000 jobs were lost in December , bringing total losses since the recession began in December 2007 to over 7m . One out of six Americans is unemployed or underemployed .


  15. Drought is one of the stress conditions that often severely effects plant growth . The loss of agricultural production due to drought stress is estimated to nearly equal the total losses caused by all other environmental stresses .


  16. Even if BOC took total losses on its subprime portfolio , which it won 't , there is no solvency issue for the bank as its total capital is over $ 54bn .


  17. Optimization result through subproblem approximation optimization technique indicates eddy current density more uniformly distributed in tank and total losses decrease 4 % , but shielding volume adds little , which can be accepted by practical engineering .


  18. Moreover , close to half of these losses will fall outside the US ( the joys of risk diversification !) . So the total losses are now only 5 per cent of combined US and European GDP .


  19. Since China becomes a member of WTO , about 90 % of Chinese agricultural products exports suffer from the impact of technical trade measures , which accounting for more than 50 % of total losses of six major export industries caused by TBT .


  20. Since 1950 's , the total losses are over 450 ~ 500 billions RMB due_to land subsidence and ground fracture in China . The annual average is about 90 ~ 100 billions . Among them , the annual direct losses are about 8 ~ 10 billions .


  21. They are that we know the total job losses for 2008 .


  22. The total economic losses China suffered are estimated at 600 billion U.S. dollars .


  23. Total British losses were close to a quarter of a million pounds .


  24. The results of were given payment desire of the various human groups and total economic losses were given .


  25. The economic losses in China accounted for more than 85 percent of the total economic losses in the world .


  26. The total paper losses will be at least $ 50bn – and quite possibly more .


  27. The loss in the storage and transportation system of ethylene chemical plant is one of the total energy losses for the petrochemical enterprises .


  28. The basic calculating equation derived would be used for predicting the total pressure losses of both design condition and off-design condition of the compressor cascade .


  29. The experimental results show that the higher the static temperature and the density ratio between two supersonic flow , the more the total pressure losses of flow during mixing .


  30. In this paper , the initial network optimization is the total power losses and the control variables include switch reactive power compensate capacity 、 generator bus voltages and transformer tap positions .
