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  • 网络时区;设置时区;更改时区;时间区
  1. The English language and the timezone are both advantages .


  2. The Asian timezone I think offers even more possibilities for several financial centres .


  3. The optional timeZone attribute indicates the time zone in which the date and / or time are to be displayed .


  4. The date_default_timezone_get () function returns the default timezone used by all date / time functions in a script .


  5. Mr Gulliver believes that the UK timezone is the most efficient from which to manage a global business .


  6. Because of the timezone , we see Asia as more opportunistic if we compare it to Europe or the US .


  7. The race is on to build a strong and differentiated renminbi market proposition , based on capability , timezone , reach and relationships .


  8. The Time type is also a long integer , representing the number of milliseconds since midnight , local to the timezone in which the property was set .


  9. When a timezone value is added to a Universal Coordinated Time ( UTC ) dateTime , it results in a date and time in that timezone .


  10. The getTimeZone () method just returns java . util . TimeZone . getDefault (); whether that is appropriate in production depends on your application requirements .


  11. Thanks to the great people of Antiquorum NY who kindly allowed me to take and share photos of the following selection of watches for the TimeZone community .


  12. Date . timezone & This is a directive that was added in PHP V5.1 to set the default timezone for use with the DateTime functions introduced then .


  13. They say that the techniques these groups use , the timezone in which they operate and their previous targets - including the White House and US State Department , eastern European governments and Nato - suggest close links to the Kremlin or Russian security services .
