tiger mother
- 网络虎妈妈;老虎妈妈

A tiger mother can order her kids to get perfect grades .
But reading the book ," Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ," it can be hard to tell when she is kidding .
My friend John has a tiger mother .
On the defense , the tiger mother turns to him for support .
I really hope a wolf dad and tiger mother can be together .
When the tiger mother comes back , the women are ready to explode .
" Tiger Mother " - type stories are famous folktales with worldwide significance .
Evolution of " Tiger Mother " - type Stories : focusing on the Chinese and Korean folk stories
When the tough tiger mother returns , she tries to explain her parenting philosophy .
While Cat Dad may not be as well known as Tiger Mother , he 's actually been around nearly as long .
So we wonder . Will people be as vocal if they encounter a tough tiger mother in person ?
A new book called " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting .
Anyway , he has succeeded in stirring another round of controversy on parenting following the roars of a " Tiger Mother " in the US .
It 's a parenting style made famous in 2011 by the Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-selling book The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother .
So we give our actor , Rachel and Misha a scenario straight from the pages of the tiger mother book , and A - is a bad grade .
Chua 's first book , Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , upset liberal mothers everywhere , making us feel uneasy about being such softies with our children .
Others saw the dad as a weak character who wasn 't compatible with his wife : " I think the tiger mother and the cat dad should divorce , " one viewer wrote .
As it turns out , author Amy Chua , who started the tiger mother uproar , had a change of heart about strict parenting , after her youngest daughter rebelled .
They may not be much at English chit-chat ( Chinese schools are notorious for thinking language has nothing to do with communication ), but one thing seems clear : they are born knowing how to spell Tiger Mother .
The answer : it is , says answer Amy Chua , who stirred up a storm of controversy which she make the media around touting what she called the Tiger Mother Method of strict parenting .
Even the Tiger Mother , who used to spur her piano-playing daughter by saying " you ` re just getting worse and worse ", found out the costs of her ways and later adopted a softer approach .
This essay is excerpted from " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua , to be published Tuesday by the Penguin Press , a member of Penguin Group ( USA ) Inc.
The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .