
  • n.雷雨云
  • thundercloud的复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 雷雨云
    A thundercloud is a large dark cloud that is likely to produce thunder and lightning.

  1. The essential cycle of life on Earth , but when thunderclouds burst , quite incredible quantities of water can fall .


  2. This expansion should improve our ability to study natural lightning as well as triggered lightning and should increase the odds of detecting more gamma-ray bursts from the thunderclouds .


  3. Two Types of Thunderclouds with Different Charge Structure in China


  4. The electric field produced by the lower positive charge center of thundercloud


  5. The corona current characteristic of actual rods system under thundercloud


  6. Electromagnetic Wave in Discharge Process from Thundercloud to Ground


  7. The Cor on a Current on the Needle Electrode under Thundercloud


  8. A preliminary analysis of intracloud lightning flashes and lower positive charge of thunderclouds


  9. The charge structure of thunderclouds in Gansu area and Hainan Island is studied by using observation data in this paper .


  10. The mechanism of thundercloud electrification is studied .


  11. The polarization of a thundercloud may thus be due to the rates at which large and small raindrops fall .


  12. Meaning : The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud , usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm .


  13. The Simulation of Cubical Charge Thundercloud and Research on Dissipating Currents of Lightning Eliminators


  14. The model simulating thunderstorm cell by means of three layers plane charged disk , the calculations for thundercloud electrostatic field use mirror method .


  15. Taking feasible method to decrease the galloping of ground wire and the moving speed of thundercloud can effectively reduce accidents caused by lightning.10 .


  16. In the atmosphere , static electric fields ( also referred to as electrostatic fields ) occur naturally , in fair weather , and especially under thunderclouds .


  17. The records show that under active thunderclouds surface Maxwell current density reflects the change of cloud charge sources , and is quasi-steady between lightning discharges .


  18. That is to say , the lightning rod cannot provide electrification ions enough to neutralize the charges in the thunderclouds and cannot avoid lightning .


  19. Using the data of 325 m meteorological tower in Beijing , the fine structure and characteristics of turbulence and spectra of the density current of thunderclouds during the thundercloud passage are analysed .


  20. The total lightning and cloud lightning presented linear distribution over the moving track of the thundercloud , and the ground lightning concentrated in hail falling zone , the most ground lightning was minus .


  21. Thunderclouds were massing in the north-west .


  22. In your distress you called and I rescued you , I answered you out of a thundercloud ; I tested you at the waters of Meribah .


  23. When it reaches the top of the cloud mass , the air gets spit out at the top . This air is sent rolling out over the big , anvil shaped head of the thunderclouds .


  24. The forest fire caused by lighting are introduced from the several aspects such as the construction of thundercloud , and the formation , developing , energy , and power of the lighting . The principle of equivalent energy generator is provided to simulated lighting .


  25. In the field experiment of artificially triggering lightning conducted near Nanchang , Jiangxi in the summer of 1996 , 3 lightning flashes were successfully triggered by use of newly-developed technique with ungrounded rocket-wire system in negative ambient electric field of thunderclouds .


  26. To explain the lightning eliminating mechanism simulation tests were carried out which reveal that the dissipating current will cut down the net charging current inside a thundercloud , slow down the rising speed of voltage and reduce the cloud voltage value so as to prevent from lightning strokes .
