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  • 网络软;词根
  1. " We 'll leave her thet to remember us by ," grinned the sergeant .


  2. As he entered the doorway , light glistened in his eyes and he realized thet his search was over .


  3. " I 'll trouble you for thet ring and them earbobs . "


  4. However it has no problem for bamboo fiber textiles , they are abandoned after using , degrade quickly in the nature , Thet don 't pollute the environment and come from nature and belong to the earth .


  5. Such definitions , indeed , had already played a role in the theory of ' recursive functions ' , one of the other approaches to the idea of ' definite method ' which had been found equivalent to thet of the Turing machine .


  6. He told The Daily Telegraph newspaper : In 1952 she would have been heard referring to ' thet men in the bleck het ' . Now it would be ' that man in the black hat ' .
