
  • 网络末段高空区域防御系统
  1. Study on energy management steering maneuver of American THAAD interceptor


  2. Tourism businesses are also concerned about the potential impact of the Thaad deployment .


  3. This is the most difficult one to accomplish and make Thaad look like child 's play .


  4. Last year , the U.S.Army began forming the first of four THAAD batteries .


  5. Liu also reiterated China 's opposition to the deployment of THAAD anti-missile system on the Korean Peninsula .


  6. The Defense Ministry said it would operate low-altitude Patriot missile defense systems together with Thaad to help defend the capital .


  7. Three successful THAAD tests were conducted at WSMR , including the intercept of a unitary target in July 2006 .


  8. THAAD system intercept missiles use kinetic energy antipersonnel weapon to impact target and destroy it , the kinetic energy antipersonnel weapons use imaging IR seeker .


  9. After South Korea and the United States announced the agreement to deploy Thaad on Friday , local news reports mentioned Seongju and several other towns as possible sites .


  10. South Koreans are divided over the Thaad system , whose deployment has been sought for years by the United States but angrily opposed by China , South Korea 's top trade partner .


  11. Statistics from Hyundai Research Institute revealed that deployment of THAAD in South Korea resulted in a decline of 7988000 Chinese travelers to the country , causing economic losses of 18.1 trillion won .


  12. In the wake of deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense ( THAAD ) , well-known Chinese travel agencies like and suspended their group tours to South Korea in March .


  13. The THAAD missile defense system , which is equipped with radar capable of tracking objects 1,000 kilometers ( 621 miles ) away , is designed to intercept ballistic missiles at high altitude .


  14. The concerns come as China 's state-run media continue to warn that Beijing could launch economic retaliation against South Korea over its decision last month to deploy the terminal high-altitude air defence platform , or Thaad , despite China 's strong opposition .


  15. Villagers rallied under a sweltering sun to condemn the choice of their county , Seongju , which is about 135 miles southeast of Seoul , the capital , for the so-called Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense system , known as Thaad .


  16. Wang Junsheng , a north-east Asia studies expert at the Chinese Academy of Social Science , said : " Chinese society 's positive attitude towards South Korea is the base for the Korean Wave . The deployment of Thaad destroys this affection base . "


  17. Pyongyang made the threat several days after Washington and Seoul revealed plans to use the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system - THAAD - on the Korean peninsula following a series of ballistic missile and nuclear tests by Pyongyang . The location and timing of the deployment have not been announced .
