- 网络正负质子对撞机;万亿电子伏加速器;兆电子伏特加速器;万亿电子伏特加速器;万亿伏特粒子加速器

Right now we have been excluding regions of mass where the Higgs might be already at the Tevatron .
The strong coupling constant at high energy is also calculated and quite consistent with the experimental value made at at Tevatron p-p Collider .
Fermi Lab was home to the LHC 's predecessor , the Tevatron Accelerator which went off line late last year .
It already whips up the world 's most intense beams of neutrinos , using kit that has nothing to do with the Tevatron .
With just four months of data gathered , the monster collider has already edged past the Tevatron , its particle-smashing rival .
In the present , efforts are made by TEVATRON , NLC and GLC to find the physical information of the predictions of SM and others .
LHC collides proton and proton beams while Tevatron is a proton-antiproton collider .
Roser says the final data produced by the Tevatron is consistent with CERN 's findings . He says it all leads up to dramatic change for scientists :
CDF collaboration has observed the evidence of top quark in 1 . 8 TeV pp collisions , on the Tevatron at Fermi National Lab.
The passing of the Tevatron may cause the shedding of a manly ( and womanly ) tear or two amongAmerica 's physicists .
The non decoupling contribution can be enhanced by large tan β and therefore large corrections to the hadronic production rates at the Tevatron and LHC are expected in the large tan β limit .