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  1. We want to keep the metals for the Terrans dull and rusty , we want the Protoss to have the shiny gold .


  2. Nonetheless , classic abilities , such as heal by the Terrans , will be usable on allies regardless of faction .


  3. The Terrans begin construction of a new command center to try and establish at the new expansion and gain additional resources .


  4. Meanwhile , the Terrans have produced two bunkers with tech lab add-ons .


  5. Near the strike-slip faults on the edges of these terrans , the anisotropic direction is consistent with the strikes of the fault systems .


  6. Roaches and zerglings chase the reapers off the watch tower as the Terrans are again forced back into their base .


  7. Roaches move in to continue the attack on the rocks as the Terrans move out over the choke point with reapers and marines .


  8. The Terrans destroy the Zerg despite a hidden expansion at the super minerals in this devastating demonstration of Siege Tanks vs Zerg Roaches .


  9. The Zerg force retreats , content for now to maintain map control against the Terrans , and to attempt to establish a third base on the Terran side of the map .


  10. A massive firefight in the middle results in the Zerg being chased off , with the Terrans losing lots of marines but only one of the expensive nighthawks in the process .


  11. Though the Terrans are badly outnumbered in this fight , the hunter-seeker missiles of the nighthawks allow the Terrans to thin out the zerg forces considerably .


  12. The Protoss , the first race in the heaven , are attacked by the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians , and the whole race is nearly ruined .


  13. He is going to punish those who commit the two sins of the nine disciplines ( sin of killing and sin of betrayal ) in the Terrans and the betrayers of the Asmodians .
