televised debate
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The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate .
Their campaign was given a major boost by Britain 's first ever televised debate last week ;
The first televised debate between candidates for the presidency has been broadcast in Afghanistan .
The first televised debate between candidates for the chancellorship was judged a draw last night .
In the televised debate on march1st with Mr leong , he appeared uncomfortable and defensive .
A televised debate ahead of the poll gave the eight participating candidates an opportunity to give voters insight into how they would lead the country .
From the outset of the 90-minute nationally televised debate , both candidates engaged in animated back-and-forth exchanges .
So , in a high-stakes , nationally televised debate , Obama might be called upon to defend his pastor and church , or abjure his faith .
In a televised debate on Saturday , Mrs Clinton raised her voice and jabbed her finger as she declared : I 'm not just running on a promise of change .
President Lee Myung-bak 's conservative Grand National Party , which won a majority in recent elections , is calling for a nationally televised debate on the issue , rather than parliament hearings .
The first televised presidential debate was held during the election campaign of1960 .
Presidential Debates Often Pivotal in US Election Campaigns The first televised presidential debate was held during the election campaign of 1960 .
This thesis explores the characteristics of projection used in US televised presidential debate and finds that projection is an important approach for debater to achieve the persuasion purpose .
When network executives began organizing the nation 's first-ever televised presidential debate in1960 , a pre-debate debate between Richard Nixon and John F.Kennedy began almost immediately .
The first televised U.S. presidential debate featured which two candidates ?
But when it comes to the big , televised speech or debate then they all revert to business suit , collar and tie .
Indeed , at the televised UN Security Council debate last week , many of those who supported the Syrian uprising were at pains to stress that Syria was not Libya .