tech data

美 [tek ˈdeɪtə]英 [tek ˈdeɪtə]
  • 网络技术数据
tech datatech data
  1. Discussion on the Content and Service of " National Agricultural Sci - Tech Data Sharing Platform "


  2. This thesis solves the difficult tech problem of data communication connection between Delphi and Matlab , opens a new way for the integration and application of different computer languages .


  3. The system uses the most pop tech & the data hardware which has a lot of advantage such as good picture quality , large memory , high security and easy to handle .


  4. Then on the theoretical base of SciTech project assessment and on the tech support of data mining , the writer strived to investigate the application methods on SciTech project assessment .


  5. By applications in several actual wells of Daqing oilfield , these two techniques overcame the shortcomings of the former tech and the data obtained by these two techniques met the need of the short period production test .


  6. The " Bryant Stibel " fund will invest in tech , media and data companies .


  7. It 's a big enough deal that we have a couple of full-time tech people wash the data ourselves .


  8. This paper probes into using SPT tech to make a data exchange between VEP and MS SQL SERVER for its safety .


  9. It also has many rich and powerful neighbors in tech to finance its data initiatives and lure big-name faculty members .


  10. On Tuesday , the tech giant revealed new data on its developer support web site indicating that 47 % of all Apple mobile devices currently run iOS 8 , which was released on Sept. 17 to much fanfare .
