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美 [teɪn]英 [teɪn]
  • n.薄锡板
  1. Study of Diagnosis Methods for Diesel 's Valve Tain Faults Based on Picture-Processing and Neural Network


  2. Tain 't no big deal , you say ?


  3. T of legume family bearing pods and seeds tain form one to five seeds


  4. Preheating Technology of Using Low Caloric Blast Furnace Gases to Ob - tain High Hot Blast Temperature


  5. Due to cer - tain reasons in practice , non-prosecution often fails of its expectation .


  6. He seemed as tall as a moun - tain , and every one of his steps measured about ten metres .


  7. How to main - tain the cell division of heterokaryons and obtain a high plating efficiency would be the main problems in the future study .


  8. Friction stir welding is a solid-state welding process which has been used in aeronautics , high speed vehicle , tain and ship industry .


  9. Tain Cook sailed to australia .


  10. A small town in the heart of wine country , Tain L'Hermitage is the home of the world-renowned chocolate producer , Valrhona .


  11. I wait him for a long time . Suddenly , the tain coming and many people get off the train . I look around and try to find the Mr Smith .


  12. Cytological observation indicates that they belong to 1B / 1R type which is a kind of antigen parent material hard to ob - tain .


  13. ' Tain 't a Spaniard & it 's Injun Joe !


  14. A key factor here is security vulnerabilities : cloud computing makes cer ­ tain well-understood vulnerabilities more significant as well as adds new ones to the mix .


  15. Curiosity kills the cat . Afeard ! ' Tain 't likely . Will you meow ?


  16. The first pair of twins manifested the Biologic Clock phenomenon . The third pair confirmed that genetic factors play cer & tain role in the pathogenesis of retinal detachment .


  17. The cer - tain analysis of encouragement and supervision of managerial staffs and technical staffs made dynamic working hour managerial technique under the circumstance of CIM / MIS more completely .


  18. As compared with the conventional 2-D inversion , this procedure is more simple in calculation and can a + - tain the MT depth section , which gives the true picture of the subsurface geologic structure .


  19. We applied the method of adaptive genetic BP neural network model to predict the production value proportion and employ - ment proportion the third industry , The experimental result indicated this method has the very high prediction precision , Has the cer - tain practical value .


  20. Gansu white pig has been bred up and checked and accepted in 1988 . It is acknowledged as a new pork type breed in that it has a cer - tain amount of breed group , line structure , steady genetic feature and higher production level .
