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  • n.塔热
  1. The On-line Monitoring System 's Checking Method for the States of the High-vol tage Electrical Equipment


  2. Second is the psychological mechanism of the main aesthetic physiological mechanism of popular culture causes aesthetics weariness tage .


  3. With rising voltage level of electric transmission lines , the demands on vol - tage withstanding capacity of insulators become stricter .


  4. The natroalunite and tamarugite first found in Kanggu ′ er tage gold deposit in China


  5. Observation on the Effect of Short-S tage Fattening


  6. In general , it is the safe cannel between reader and database ; however it is not safe between reader and tage .


  7. From initially stage , popularization tage to the climax stage , It mainly clarifies the development course of propaganda and mobilization in Chongqing region .


  8. The Treasure of Tage Stone


  9. Horqin local folk songs formed in the feudal system nomadic era , during this period Horqin have occurred in the local folk music collective Tage .


  10. From the points of view of dialectical logic , formal logic current and vol - tage source models , this paper addresses that the current limiting conjecture is not correct .


  11. This form of dance with hands joined might have been the origin of the later dance form " Tage "( beating time to a song with the feet ), which is still popular today .


  12. Wenige Tage sp ä ter greift die t ö dliche Virusepidemie auf die Nachbarl ä nder Sierra Leone und Liberia ü ber .


  13. 7wt % was a critical concentration of SF solution for better spinnability at a special vol - ( tage ) and distance from the tip of capillary to the collector screen ( C-SD ) .


  14. Objective : To probe into both the tolerance and the effects of early s tage microamount feeding of very low birth weight ( VLBW ) babies with continuous nasal feeding ( CNG ) or intermittently nasal feeding ( ING ) .


  15. Elf Tage nach seinem Unfall wird der deutsche Forscher Johann Westhauser aus Deutschlands tiefster H ö hle , der Riesending-H ö hle in den Berchtesgadener Alpen , gerettet .


  16. An der spektakul ä ren Rettungsaktion beteiligen sich Hunderte Helfer auf f ü nf L ä ndern - sie ziehen und tragen Westhauser ü ber Tage durch enge Sch ä chte , Schluchten und senkrechte W ä nde .
