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  • 网络暴雨雨水管理模型;暴雨径流管理模型
  1. SWMM is a model of open source dynamic precipitation-runoff simulation .


  2. SWMM was analysed how apply to study non-point source pollution of city .


  3. Study on Simulation of Drainage and Flooding in Urban Areas of Shanghai Based on Improved SWMM


  4. The SWMM model used for a single event or long-term ( continuous ) simulation of runoff quantity .


  5. Storm water management model system ( SWMM ) development by US-EPA has its wide application in this area .


  6. Simulation Study on the Use of Rainfall for Landscape in Eco-Town Based on SWMM and WASP


  7. Under different utilization for flood , SWMM model was used to simulate the runoff processes . Water levels and flow processes were compared and analyzed .


  8. Secondly , the basic information and application situation of SWMM are introduced , including model classification , basic theory , data demanding , the model superiority and so on .


  9. The related work about urban storm waterlogging forecasting is firstly summarized , and the application of GIS and SWMM in the study process is systematically expounded .


  10. In addition , the use of SWMM software for the new campus of Tianjin Polytechnic University , none of the drainage system after treatment , stormwater drainage process simulated the campus .


  11. This paper presents the principles of SWMM model , which consists mainly of three parts , i.e. ground surface rainfall sub-system calculation , overland flow sub-system calculation and storm-sewer flow sub-system calculation .


  12. In regard to the hydrological and hydraulic characteristics of the Shanghai drainage system , a rainfall runoff model based on the Storm Water Management Model ( SWMM ) that suits flooding and drainage characteristics in Shanghai was established to simulate flooding management .
