
美 [swaɪps]英 [swaɪps]
  • v.刷(磁卡);偷窃;挥拳打;扬起巴掌打;挥起(物体)击打
  • n.挥击;抨击;批评;抡打
  • swipe的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    VERB 挥起(棍棒等)击打
    If you swipe at a person or thing, you try to hit them with a stick or other object, making a swinging movement with your arm.

    She swiped at Rusty as though he was a fly...


  • 2
    VERB 偷窃
    If you swipe something, you steal it quickly.

    Five soldiers were each fined £140 for swiping a wheelchair from a disabled tourist...

    5 名士兵因偷窃一名残疾人游客的轮椅而每人被罚款 140 英镑。

  • 3
    N-COUNT (通常指间接的)批评,抨击
    If you take a swipe at a person or an organization, you criticize them, usually in an indirect way.

    Genesis recorded a song which took a swipe at greedy property developers who bought up and demolished people's homes...


  • 4
    VERB 刷(信用卡等)
    If you swipe a credit card or swipe card through a machine, you pass it through a narrow space in the machine so that the machine can read information on the card's magnetic strip.

    Swipe your card through the phone, then dial.


  1. A data shadow is a minute pieces of data created when someone emails , updates social media profiles , swipes a credit card , uses an ATM , and so on .


  2. Side swipes create farther underwater turbulence , a new tactic .


  3. Electronic swipes just aren 't as popular yet .


  4. To use a fingerprint sensor , a user simply swipes a finger across the sensor .


  5. The movement of finger swipes may soon be able to charge our cellphones .


  6. Current cap average is around 24 cents for every transaction before the cap swipes fees or even higher .


  7. Spend billions from another business and copy everything you can , down to swipes and apps .


  8. Bashing business is never good , but his swipes at the usual targets were relatively harmless .


  9. You also can disable the various new Windows 8 controls that appear when you perform certain swipes or mouse movements .


  10. Bring your Web-browsing window into focus and try moving through the browsing history with left and right swipes .


  11. Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble .


  12. The program let me flip through artists , albums and playlists with simple finger swipes .


  13. There are no buttons on the front of the device , and everything is controlled by taps and swipes .


  14. Every time Li swipes the card , his parents call to check what he purchased and , more annoyingly , why .


  15. Benioff , adhering conservatively to that standard definition of the cloud , was taking some vicious swipes at oracle .


  16. Surrounded with diverse praises and criticisms , their impact is accumulated , turning into a powerful tide that swipes the whole globe .


  17. How do static galleries of canvas and artifact engage a generation raised on the reactive pleasures of right swipes and hyperlinks ?


  18. The number of active users within the athletes ' village shot up by 64 percent , while the number of ' swipes ' soared by 69 percent .


  19. Five rupees ( 10 cents ) gets three swipes ofpaint - saffron , white , green - on your cheek .


  20. Accepting Apple Pay and some other mobile payment technologies usually relies on technology inside the payment terminals at registers , like at the stations where a consumer swipes a credit card .


  21. Turning off the TouchPad is not necessary , but it reduces the problem of identifying nongesture-related mouse events from the swipes and pinches .


  22. Each blow , of itself , may be trifling , and seem of no consequence . Yet from childish swipes the oak will eventually tumble .


  23. Backhand swipes are the hardest .


  24. He 's notified that MSR6 is the closest available MSR , so he walks over and swipes his debit card .


  25. We take the basic javascript touch events and abstract them into things that developers want to program against ( like doubletap , tap / hold , swipes , pinches , etc. )


  26. When he gets on the bus , he swipes his student ID across the card reader and his parents at home can log on a website that tracks the location of the bus .


  27. With a few swipes of our finger , any of us can view detailed photos of the surface of Pluto or take a Google Street View tour through Antarctica 's McMurdo Station .


  28. Alvin : [ swipes the ' raisin ' and eats it ] Mmm-hmm. David Seville : Okay .


  29. She swipes the public transport card that gives her an hour on the bike for free - the same rechargeable card she can later use for a ride on Hangzhou 's new subway line , a public bus or taxi .


  30. When you start getting analytics , when you start getting into some of the features that we have built into the software , integrated cards swipes , you are talking more than $ 5,000 and close to $ 10,000 dollars .
