swipe cards

美 [swaɪp kɑːrdz]英 [swaɪp kɑːdz]
  • n.磁卡;集成电路卡
  • swipe card的复数
swipe cardsswipe cards
  1. To make a purchase , consumers have their finger read at checkout , often on a pad incorporated into a console that also reads swipe cards and provides for personal identification number ( PIN ) entry .


  2. Passengers using IC cards please swipe your cards .


  3. Problem is shoppers increasingly swipe their credit cards at the pump , never entering the store at all .


  4. EXAMPLE : To enter the high-security building employees have to swipe their identification cards through the scanner outside the front door .


  5. Beijing , China ( 178 ) - From today on , people who go to internet bar are required to swipe their ID cards to get registered in Guangzhou .


  6. Travelers and citizens alike can simply swipe their ordinary travel cards and borrow the bike for a short trip .
