- v.发现;意识到;认识到
- suss的现在分词

Banks now must take responsibility for knowing who their customers are and for sussing out unusual behavior .
It 's possible for people to build some applications and write a lot of code without having a deep understanding of data structures and algorithms and some do but that lack of basic understanding is something potential employers will suss out quickly .
If you want to succeed in business you have to suss out the competition .
The women began to suss that there was no reason why they should be impressed by him
It took us some time to suss out what was going on .
I could skip around the postings and suss out what I wanted .
While I suss that out , feel free to speculate in the comments section .
Your friend Emily sent you there to suss me out ,
Great , I 'll talk to Lyla , see if I can suss out any details .
I gotta suss out a naughty network glitch for the theatre pledges .
Her explanation seemed suss to me .
Sussing out the culture of a workplace ( whether they all make tea for each other , for example ) is really important when you come to look for work .
The advent of WiFi brought " wardriving , " putting anantenna in a car and cruising a city to suss out weak and unprotected WiFinetworks .
Even if you want to pull a harmless prank , you need to suss out the culture of your company to gauge if an April Fools ' joke is appropriate .
We were all too busy trying to suss out the meaning of life to be sidetracked by such side-issues as careers , until the time came to meet reality head on .
The ladies went anyway and managed to suss out wild rice and " unrivalled T-steaks and soft-shell crabs ," but they were right to be afraid .
Whu ? ' ' I said , what was dad like ? ' She smiles at me , and I suss that I should ask her later when she 's straight .
Not only are they frowning at every handwritten sign to suss out split infinitives in the weekly sales , but they also refuse to use the express lane . " Ten items or less , " they sniff .