
  • 网络下解;子解
  1. The supersolution and subsolution theorems for the equation are established . The conclusions generalize and unify the relevant results in ordinary differential equations , partial differential equations and abstract space differential equatins .


  2. This paper points out that theorem 9.7 in document [ 1 ] on estimates of the maximum of solution of quasilinear elliptic equations can extend to equations in the form of ( 1 ) on estimates of the maximum of subsolution of non-linear elliptic equations .


  3. Existence and multiplicity of periodic solutions are obtained by using cone mapping theory and supersolution and subsolution method for second order ordinary differential equations in ordered Banach spaces .


  4. In this paper , A new results of the sufficient and necessary condition of existence of global solution to a class of nonlinear parabolic systems are given by using method of supersolution and subsolution .
