
  • 网络子采样;二次抽样;子样本;下采样;分抽样
  1. We consider some properties of the resampling , and related optimal subsample lengths in smooth function models .


  2. This conclusion has also been demonstrated by the subsample of developed countries , which however is not proved by the developing countries ' . On the contrary , in the developing countries the higher the old-age dependency ratio is , the lower the outflow of international direct investment becomes .


  3. Study on full life 's few subsample system of electromechanical system based on gray theory


  4. Global Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on Queen Patterns Subsample


  5. In the training subsample , stepwise Cox models were used to develop the risk equation .


  6. Probability Distribution of Seismic Signal Subsample Amplitudes and Quantized SNR of Digital Seismic Instruments


  7. The data were randomly and evenly divided into the training subsample and the test subsample .


  8. Reproduction of Subsample Color CCD Image


  9. Simulations are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed algorithm with that of other subsample TDE algorithms .


  10. Among a subsample of children living below a poverty threshold , no racial differences in preschool impact are detected .


  11. In analyzing wealth accumulation , we limit attention to the subsample that supplied complete data on all financial and demographic variables of interest .


  12. Effects of ownership structure and corporate governance structure on firm value of each subsample can be displayed when regression is based on each subsample .


  13. The use of subsample estimators helps to bypass the consistent estimation of the asymptotic variances of the parameter estimates .


  14. The former are relatively homogeneous SNe Ia subsample , which can serve as good extragalactic distance indicator ;


  15. This Paper gives a conclusion hial the asymptotic distribution of the fractile of a subsample forthe inner ceder statistic is a normal distribution .


  16. In order to obtain the sensitivity and the specificity , which are useful for practice , it is necessary that a subsample should be selected in the screened negative subjects for diagnoses .


  17. The specially organized reliability verification experiment is mentioned as follow : define the subsample number as 75 , select the activation time and operating time to calculate the exact value of reliability of the thermal battery ;


  18. In this paper , logarithmic normal distribution is used to calculate annual maximum wind speed . Main differences of this method from others are that there is a more perfect subsample inspection and the upper limit of tolerance can be calcula-ted .


  19. Based on subsample of 93 firms which consistently hire the same type of CEO , family firms with external CEO in general outperform those with family member CEO in terms of sales growth and earnings growth over medium-to-long term period .


  20. This article , basing on the gradation comparison method to determine the acceptance index of small subsample for density of bullet and rocket , takes the uniform acceptance region method as the foundation and proposes to construct the acceptance function of the density and its evaluation criteria .


  21. By the significance test of the smallest cut-set subsample of fault data , an inference can be made on the reliability of the overall life of the unit , thus providing a theoretical basis for manufacturers ′ improvement in its design , scientific management , and better economic benefit .
