subject field

美 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt fiːld]英 [ˈsʌbdʒɪkt fiːld]
  • 网络主题字段;主题域;主题领域
subject fieldsubject field


a branch of knowledge
in what discipline is his doctorate?
teachers should be well trained in their subject
anthropology is the study of human beings
Synonym: discipline subject subject area field field of study study bailiwick


  1. Hierarchical analysis for discovering subject field of multidimensional data model


  2. Through the use of prototype analysis method , we conclude the overall system requirement after constant iteration and analysis of customer requirement , identify the subject field .


  3. This reference is to the subject field on the main form .


  4. You must enter text in the Subject field .


  5. Set of Time Subject Field in Computer Cataloging


  6. The subject field will include a short description of the standard response document .


  7. In the subject field , add a title for the e-mail message .


  8. Tap the double arrows next to the subject field .


  9. The interoperability of spatial data is always a subject field that is paid more attention to .


  10. Switches focus to the e-mail envelope 's subject field


  11. It is relatively different from other subject field that stereological quantitative analysis technique is used for pathological research .


  12. Agent-Based Computational Economics is a new subject field by using computer and information technology to analyze and estimate economic problem .


  13. Chinese history is long , and the ritual and method of ancient Chinese law is an important feature is the big subject field .


  14. You type the recipient 's address , press Tab to skip to the Subject field and type a subject .


  15. Some internal rules of literature stream on this subject field are revealed , and literature aging , type and language distribution are discussed .


  16. I believe we should first definite what subject field it belongs to and then the rest questions can be settled easily .


  17. As a critical claim , against-interpretation and deconstruction belong to different subject field respectively and are two unrelated notions .


  18. This research is applied to computer , communications , DSP , information processing and the other subject field knowledge . It integrates theoretical and practical , technical research and engineering design .


  19. For the characteristics of disciplinary correlation analysis , a post-processing technique for the association rules extraction is used , which is based on the keyword co-occurrence of the subject field .


  20. In order to achieve the semantic description of learning resources in some subject field , the concept of domain ontology is introduced . The framework of learning resource management system based on domain ontology is proposed .


  21. The research of electronic evidence forensics technology is the subject field to prove thorough , efficient , secure means to investigate computer crime . Electronic evidence must be authentic , accurate 、 complete and convincing to juries .


  22. In order to determine the biological function of the RNA molecules , comparing RNA primary sequence and secondary structure of RNA is becoming very important research topic , so the similarity analysis among the RNA secondary structures has become one of the hot topics of this subject field .


  23. Sports organizations research , hot research subject in field of sports management in North America for decade


  24. Image-quality evaluation of imaging-link in optical system is an important subject in field of optical detection .


  25. The innovative ability of graduate students demonstrated in the process of knowledge innovation should be knowledge innovation ability of subject frontier field .


  26. Porter 's five competitive forces model , analyses the competitive environment , subject , field and object of library competition , and discusses its ' enlightenments to the research of core competence of library .


  27. In order to reflect the chemical state of sample surface more truly , the subject of field emission negative ion as the complementary of positive ion probe technique has been put forward and tried hard to develop .


  28. As people in intercultural education knowledge unceasingly thorough , cross-cultural education initiatives are from higher education gradually extended to high school education , the basis of foreign language education from the early spread to other subject education field .


  29. Domestic research is limited to a single subject and field . Effective in promoting agricultural regional brand building is necessary to conduct a special study to the relationship between the main building object of regional brand , from the perspective of game theory .


  30. Data Mining is an important research subject in the field of Information Technology .
