- 网络蠕虫病毒

But Stuxnet created a window into the Iranian national security apparatus .
Stuxnet appears to have hit its target without harming civilians .
Since that attack , the Stuxnet code has been circulated in hacking forums .
In this respect , the Stuxnet virus was something of a failure a really successful operation would have gone undetected .
With Stuxnet , it allowed the us to escape blame and may have avoided a crisis with Iran .
The Stuxnet story provides the only example we have of a nation bragging about its cyberwarfare operations .
If you hit Iran with Stuxnet , you render your own nuclear systems vulnerable to the next hacker , individual or state .
Focusing on the sabotage , they argue that Stuxnet is a tactic that buys a little time and security at great potential cost .
Ralph langner , a German researcher , says Stuxnet has a " second warhead " .
That is why interpreting Stuxnet as desperate stop-gap or one-off intervention almost certainly misunderstands its purpose .
Israeli analyst Gerald Steinberg says one technical problem is foreign , such as the Stuxnet computer virus , which invaded Iran 's nuclear facilities .
With the exception of Stuxnet , a suspected US / Israeli cyber attack on Iran 's nuclear capability , aggressive western cyber activity has been limited .
Many saw Stuxnet as the dawn of a new era in warfare , the first evidence of the fact that the US , China and others had both great capabilities and vulnerabilities .
Until the Stuxnet attack on Iran , the most famous episode of cyber-warfare was an attack on Estonia in 2007 .
It is widely believed to have been behind the Stuxnet attack last year , which destroyed Iranian nuclear equipment after spreading virally through holes in Microsoft and Siemens software .
Symantec observed virtually no targeted attacks before Stuxnet , a worm that attacked industrial-control systems , appeared in 2010 . Last December it spotted an average of 154 a day .
The study outlined ways to disable the coastal refinery at Ras Lanouf using a computer virus similar to the Stuxnet worm that led to a breakdown in Iran 's enrichment program late last year .
If it finds the right configuration , Stuxnet sabotages it by making subtle changes to the speeds of the centrifuges over several weeks , while displaying normal readings to cover its tracks .
Classic Case : One-fifth of Iran 's nuclear centrifuges crashed after Stuxnet , a worm reportedly developed by U.S. and Israeli intelligence , penetrated computers at an Iranian enrichment facility .
If the country was party to the use of Stuxnet , Mr Obama should address the nation and make the case for his decision , just as previous presidents have done after conventional attacks on adversaries outside of wartime .
The deputy defence secretary argued it was essential to increase military and civilian co-operation on Internet security , as threats increased in severity from cyberespionage to attacks on information networks and viruses , such as the Stuxnet worm , that can cause physical damage .
Remember that it was intelligence agencies of the U.S. , in partnership with Israel , that turned deep knowledge of the numerous variants of Microsoft 's Windows operating system combined with specialized knowledge of industrial control systems to create the Stuxnet worm that damaged the Iranian nuclear research program .
The idea for the film - which , he recalled in his implacably precise manner , he first had on Aug. 8 , 2011 - was inspired by Stuxnet , the computer worm that was identified in 2010 , after it had struck an Iranian nuclear facility .