straight-line depreciation

美 [streɪt laɪn dɪˌpriʃiˈeɪʃən]英 [streɪt laɪn dɪˌpriːʃɪˈeɪʃən]
  • 网络直线折旧;直线折旧法;年限平均法;直线法
straight-line depreciationstraight-line depreciation
  1. Using the data in our example , the annual straight-line depreciation is computed as follows


  2. The following schedule summarizes the effects of straight-line depreciation over the entire life of the asset .


  3. Returns the straight-line depreciation of an asset for one period


  4. Using the straight-line depreciation method will cause a company to report higher profits than would be reported if an accelerated method were in use .


  5. Accelerated depreciation methods result in higher charges to depreciation expense and , therefore , lower reported net income than straight-line depreciation .


  6. In this chapter , we illustrate and explain straight-line depreciation and double declining-balance , a most widely used accelerated method .


  7. Under the declining-balance method , an accelerated depreciation rate is computed as a specified percentage of the straight-line depreciation rate .


  8. When straight-line depreciation is in use , the depreciation rate is simply " 1 " divided by the " life "( in years ) of the assets .


  9. Accounting or book-value ROI assumes straight-line depreciation of depreciable assets and a constant cash flow from one year to another within a given timeframe , say three years .
