stock swap

美 [stɑːk swɑːp]英 [stɒk swɒp]
  • 股票交换
stock swapstock swap
  1. Scenario One-Shanda issuing stocks to buy out Sina ( Or Stock Swap ) .


  2. Securities online trading is a new stock swap model by the internet technology in securities manage business , and is the produce of new technology and traditional field .


  3. Earlier this year Vodafone , the UK mobile telephone operator , acquired its US counterpart AirTorch by by making Airtorch shareholders a cash and stock swap offer worth a total $ 62bn .


  4. The traditional research results , such as the influence of stock swap to securities market , the compare the manager cost against the income in securities online trading , and how to ensure operating of stock swap , can 't effectively resolve these problems .
