stitch up

美 [ˈstɪtʃ ʌp]英 [ˈstɪtʃ ʌp]
  • n.陷害;算计
stitch upstitch up

stitch up


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 陷害;诬陷;算计
    To stitch someone up means to trick them so that they are put in a difficult or unpleasant situation, especially one where they are blamed for something they have not done.

    He claimed that a police officer had threatened to stitch him up and send him to prison.


  • 2
    PHRASAL VERB 办妥,促成(协议)
    To stitch up an agreement, especially a complicated agreement between several people, means to arrange it.

    Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales.


  • 3
    → see:stitch 5

  1. My view is that this is a stitch up .


  2. The surgeon would pick up his instruments , probe , repair and stitch up again


  3. Attempts are being made to stitch up the political fabric in the middle east .


  4. I have to stitch up the wound to stop the bleeding .


  5. Can you please just stitch up my leg so we can get out of here ?


  6. You ought to stitch up that hole in your jeans .


  7. The doctor can stitch up the wound skillfully .


  8. You stitch up the wound ?


  9. No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .


  10. Boy , if you can lace up a sneaker , then you can stitch up a chest . Suture !


  11. The doctor explains how he can stitch up blood vessels in a healthy limb , causing it to blacken with gangrene over a few days .


  12. Emerging market countries argue that it is unacceptable for the Europe and America to continue to stitch up the top jobs even as they take a growing share of the global economy .


  13. After Equitable lost a court case in July 2000 and failed to find a buyer , the problem of excessive bonuses became apparent in 2001 . The Treasury / FSA then ran a campaign to cover up what had happened and to stitch up the policyholders .


  14. He claimed that a police officer had threatened to stitch him up and send him to prison .


  15. I 'm gonna stitch it up good .


  16. The brainy bird can stitch , pick up a pin and thread it through fabric .


  17. To secure hand-finished waistbands , tailored buttonhole facings , and bindings use a variation of this hem stitch , picking up the machine stitches instead of the folded edge .


  18. She put on her spectacles , threaded a needle , and stitch by stitch sewed up the rent in the sleeve .
