stay beautiful

美 [steɪ ˈbjuːtɪfl]英 [steɪ ˈbjuːtɪfl]
  • 网络保持美丽
stay beautifulstay beautiful
  1. She said she would stay beautiful until her dying day .


  2. " Yes ," said the ant . " But the days will not stay as beautiful as they are now . "


  3. Excuse me . I 'll be right back . Don 't go anywhere . Don 't move . Just stay the beautiful , unspoiled American flower that you are .


  4. I want to stay with these beautiful birds .


  5. I can 't wait to spend my vacation to stay in a beautiful countryside .


  6. Hawaii is much more than sandy beaches , and travellers from all parts of the world enjoy a stay in these beautiful islands .


  7. Why you stay indoors on a beautiful day like this defeats me !


  8. Some people come into our lives and quickly go ... Some people become friends and stay awhile ... leaving beautiful footprints on our hearts ...
