
美 [ˈsteɪvɪŋ]英 [ˈsteɪvɪŋ]
  • v.延缓;压扁;在…上打洞;破碎;穿孔
  • stave的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT (尤指用作武器的)棍,棒,杖
    A stave is a strong stick, especially one that is used as a weapon.

    Many of the men had armed themselves with staves and pieces of iron.


  • 2
    N-COUNT 五线谱
    A stave is the five lines that music is written on.

  1. We keep the back channels open in hopes of staving off disaster .


  2. A Comparative Research of Ancient and Modern Mechanism about Athletic Exercise Staving off Decrepitude


  3. But far from staving off attention , the note helped make the bird an internet star .


  4. For several years the United States had been staving off the entry of Beijing into the un .


  5. Growth hormone also plays a role in fighting tissue breakdown , staving off stress fractures and improving metabolic function .


  6. We don 't know how long the building work will last , but we 'll be staving with friends for the duration .


  7. Making social connections helps maintain the brain 's serotonin levels , enhancing your mood and possibly even staving off depression .


  8. Broadly speaking , the genes less active in the lonely were those involved in staving off viral infections .


  9. Oats have long been considered a super-food , staving off illnesses like diabetes and heart disease .


  10. Jane was so beautiful that she had difficulty staving off all the men who wanted to marry her .


  11. ' How long are you staving ? 'i asked him uncivilly .


  12. Most adults gain one to two pounds a year over a lifetime , so staving off the holiday pound can go a long way .


  13. Research has shown that a diet high in whole grains helps in staving off2 diabetes in older men , even obese ones .


  14. In the name of staving off the invasion , a series of targeted restrictions and incentives were rolled out .


  15. A more effective approach to staving off potential unrest in urban areas would be to increase investment , not in more hardware , but in human capital .


  16. For the moment , however , European leaders are still concentrating on staving off the evil moment when this problem has to be confronted .


  17. Americans spend more than $ 20 billion a year on supplements in hopes of staving off cancer , heart disease , and dementia .


  18. They 're a rich source of vitamin B6 , which the body needs to produce serotonin , a brain chemical involved in staving off depression .


  19. Some of the variants could have a role in staving off debilitating age-related diseases , such as Alzheimer 's disease and cardiovascular disease .


  20. By taking incremental exercise to establish overtraining model , in order to provide the experimental evidences for Aralia elata staving and eliminating exercise-induced fatigue .


  21. Aren 't we supposed to be paying this kind of attention to our health , reducing risks , staving off illness and catching problems while they 're still small ?


  22. And the use of hormones does need to be restricted to the relief of menopausal symptoms , not as a means of staving off heart disease , she added .


  23. Field geologic survey and study of geometry , kinematics structural stress field show that the ductile shear zone underwent two stages of deformation : early staving and later dextral strike-slipping .


  24. If you speak more than one language , you have a better chance of staving off memory loss and , possibly , the mental and physical decline associated with Alzheimer 's disease .


  25. There is little downside in predicting disaster : if it does not materialise they can claim to have been instrumental in staving it off .


  26. Governments , and particularly the US government , reacted on each occasion by pumping money into the financial system in the hope of staving off wider collapse , with some degree of success .


  27. Last week , central bankers from the eurozone and Japan voiced optimism that their policies of quantitative easing and currency depreciation would be successful in staving off outright deflation .


  28. Americans spend more than $ 1 billion a year on calcium supplements in hopes of staving off osteoporosis , the brittle bone disease that cripples many elderly women and some men .


  29. There is a conspicuous American tendency to cling to a favored diet as the gateway to good health , keeping weight down , staving off cancers and banishing heart attacks .


  30. In addition , magnesium , which is a vital mineral capable of staving off type 2 diabetes as well as calcium which is needed for preventing osteoporosis , are also blocked by phytates .
