static moment

美 [ˈstætɪk ˈmoʊmənt]英 [ˈstætɪk ˈməʊmənt]
  • 网络静力矩;截面面积矩;静矩
static momentstatic moment
  1. Applying integral principle and concept of static moment , this paper gives the discussion to the problem , which a broken line graph graph-multiplies indirectly a straight line graph to calculate the displacement of structure in graph multiplication method of structural mechanics .


  2. Calculations yielded the static moment and no load starting frequency of the prototype .


  3. In this paper , non-linear motion of finned projectile with small damp and weak non-linear static moment has been studied .


  4. After the 3-D nonlinear finite element model of thoracolumbar was constructed , this model was applied static moment load that equals to cadaver mechanic experiment , to simulate various movements of thoracolumbar and validate the effectiveness of this model .


  5. Neutral stability techniques use direct force produced by back flap to counteract dynamic effects of attack angle disturbances under the control law which leads neutral stability without static steady moment .


  6. The influence of the tire characteristics , such as rolling resistance , static steering resisting moment and side slip etc. on the truck performance was investigated .


  7. The static steering resisting moment , which increased with the tire size , should have been taken into account in the design of power-steering system of truck ;


  8. The static plane product moment method of calculating the displacement of the girder is another method which is similar to the graphical method of multiplication in the books under the condition of a unit force acting on the structure for determined distortion .


  9. Quasi static load , wave moment composing , main methods of linear and nonlinear hydroelasticity , symmetry and unsymmetry response , frequency / time domain solutions , slamming response , random wave load are discussed systematically .
