state controlled

state controlledstate controlled
  1. Institutional Improvement in China 's State Controlled Listed Companies


  2. Introduction to a new type of all - state controlled hydraulic pumping unit


  3. You 're not on a state controlled Chinese forum anymore .


  4. China also has two banks , an insurer and China Mobile , all state controlled .


  5. The announcement was carried in the State controlled newspaper Sunday Mail .


  6. ButThe extent of state controlled company assets is high in several European countries and in China .


  7. Banking in China , as well as other strategic industries , has been traditionally a state controlled industry .


  8. We also find that governments directly controlled firms assume more equity agency cost that other state controlled firms .


  9. The agency cost of the management in state controlled listed companies is lower than that in privately controlled listed companies .


  10. Then the anchor and Eunice concluded that the Chinese response was normal because of the state controlled media .


  11. Research on Relationship between Debt Term Structure and Product Market Competition : Based on Comparison between State Controlled Listed Companies and Non-State Controlled Listed Companies


  12. What 's more , among state controlled firms , the more stocks controlled by the block shareholders , the more equity agency cost is assumed .


  13. The basic accounting data of project design showed that the polymerization process by combination tubular reactors could be carried out under the state controlled by kinetics reaction and possessed of heat-stable operating characteristic .


  14. We find that despite of some difference in board 's structure between state controlled firms and no-state controlled firms , the independence of board has little influence on corporate equity agency cost .


  15. The ownership concentration of state controlled listed companies is higher than that of privately controlled listed companies , and the control structure of privately controlled listed companies is more complicated than that of state controlled listed companies .


  16. Therefore , this article think that the economic nature of controlling shareholders significantly affect cash dividend policy . Also , state controlled listed companies tend to have lower intensity of cash dividends than non-state controlled listed companies .


  17. Zimbabwean Opposition Says Power-Sharing Deal under Threat The Movement for Democratic Change describes the announcement of a Cabinet list by the state controlled newspaper The Herald as a midnight ambush .


  18. The colonies , particularly those in Greece and Turkey , saw the change from the utopian Atlantis to the military-fascist state controlled by Aryan and sought to break away .


  19. The test samples within control limit is in statistical state controlled , otherwise is abnormal . The application of contribution plot which corresponding statistics exceed control limit can find the abnormal process variables to achieve the limitation distribution process control .


  20. The state controlled daily , The Herald , quoted the army chief of staff , Major General Martin Chedondo , as saying that all soldiers should vote for President Mugabe or quit the army .


  21. Among these programmes are a sell-off of shares in large , state controlled utilities , some of which are already listed on the stock exchange but still have State Shareholding far above the 51 per cent threshold for retaining state control .


  22. During the planned economy period , the state controlled and monopolized the rural economy resources . Rural finance was also belonged to " planned finance " . The state allocated the rural credit funds through the administrative means to achieve the fixed economic target .


  23. In most part , a valid state is controlled by the validation in our code .


  24. The data programming method directly use the control data related to control the work state of controlled equipment via PLC .


  25. Conclusion The Keshan disease conditions of Shandong Province were in a continuous stable state after controlled basically .


  26. Using a 16 order low pass FIR digital filter and state machine controlled sample signal as input signall .


  27. Jackson preferred putting the U.S. government 's deposits in the state banks controlled by his political allies .


  28. Analysts say the State - controlled company is keen to ensure it remains in control of value-added services offered through its huge network .


  29. Using PC or programmable devices instead of the signal generator , a high voltage solid state switch controlled by programmes will come into true .


  30. And satellite broadcasting makes it possible for information-hungry residents of many closed societies to bypass state - controlled television channels .
