state administrative organs

美 [steɪt ədˈmɪnɪstreɪtɪv ˈɔrgənz]英 [steɪt ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv ˈɔːgənz]
  • 网络国家行政机关
state administrative organsstate administrative organs
  1. In the 21st century , information processing into the state administrative organs , various research institutions , enterprises and institutions of an important day-to-day work .


  2. Local people 's governments at different levels are responsible , and report on their work , to the state administrative organs at the next higher level .


  3. The competent pricing department shall implement cost supervision and examination according to these Measures when formulating charging standards for State administrative organs .


  4. With the process of rule of administrative law improved , the name-use of state administrative organs must be regulated as soon as possible .


  5. Article 47 State administrative organs shall collect fees strictly according to law , limit fee collection items and scope and standards of fee collection .


  6. State administrative organs to produce its national authority responsible and subject to the supervision , the lower the executive authorities should obey higher administrative organs .


  7. Investigate and handle acts of administrative discipline violations by state administrative organs , government functionaries , and by other personnel appointed by state administrative organs ;


  8. The local people 's governments at various levels throughout the country shall be state administrative organs under the unified leadership of the State Council and shall be subordinate to it .


  9. Therefore , we must establish an effective dispute prevention , dispute resolution mechanism for the exercise of state administrative organs of executive power to implement a full range of close supervision .


  10. State administrative organs and their staff and people 's governments at all levels owned enterprises by a state administrative organs appointment of leading cadres Department . 3 , monitor content .


  11. To appoint or remove personnel in state administrative organs , train them , appraise their performance and award or punish them according to the provisions of the law ;


  12. Administrative legislation refers to the making of behavior rules that are universally binding , according to legal authority and procedure , by the State Administrative Organs , which have the administrative authority .


  13. Administrative civil dispute settlement mechanism means a ruling of non-litigation dispute resolution procedures , which aim to mediation , arbitration act as an intermediary state administrative organs of civil disputes .


  14. To implement a full range of close supervision to the state administrative organs in China is one of the essence of the traditional law as well as one of the basic characteristics of the modern rule of law .


  15. It provides a legal basis for guaranteeing citizens , legal persons and other organization'legal rights of national compensation , promoting the state administrative organs and judicial departments to exercise their functions and powers according to the law .


  16. It can be said that the crimes committed serious damage to the good image of the state administrative organs in social work , hindered social progress and development , damage the interests of the public , with serious social harm .


  17. Administrative protection of copyright refers to the state administrative organs , According to relevant laws and regulations , through the statutory procedures , and use of the administrative means to coordinate the relationship between rights management and outside activities .


  18. Public policy is an important means for administrative department to implement political decisions and manage public affairs by regulating and guiding the administrative process . Whether public policy is made and implemented effectively decides the administrative results of state administrative organs .


  19. Administrative punishment procedures , refers to the executive powers of the state administrative organs , and its internal administrative disciplinary actions of civil servants , a necessary step , and ways to achieve these steps , the timing and manner in order .


  20. Public decision-making refers to the state administrative organs , social management of public affairs as the main body organs , that the goal of the setup , decision-making advice , program choice , performance analysis and other activities in the management of public affairs and internal management .


  21. Administrative supervision is " supervision over administration ", which means that all levels of government conduct comprehensive supervision and the inspection to the state administrative organs and the administrative action of the national civil servants and other personnel appointed by the state administrative organs through government-owned specialized agencies .


  22. The executive power refers to the right of state administrative organs or other legally authorized public organizations , which are intended to safeguard the social and public interests , in accordance with statutory authority to implement the will of the state , and managing the social and public affairs .


  23. Research on Reform of State Council Administrative Organs ( 1982-2005 );


  24. It is essential to straighten out the relation Between the organs of state power and administrative organs in order that they will be able to perform their duties in accordance with laws
