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美 [skwɔːlz]英 [skwɔːlz]
  • n.飑(常指暴风雨或暴风雪中突起的狂风)
  • v.大声啼哭;号哭
  • squall的第三人称单数和复数



  • 1
    N-COUNT 飑;突起的大风(常引起短暂暴雨或暴雪)
    A squall is a sudden strong wind which often causes a brief, violent rain storm or snow storm.

    The boat was hit by a squall north of the island.


  • 2
    VERB 嚎叫;大声啼哭
    If a person or animal squalls, they make a loud unpleasant noise like the noise made by a crying baby.

    There was an infant squalling in the back of the church.


  1. Thunderstorms are sometimes preceded or accompanied by heavy rain and squalls .


  2. Their French bank is solid and profitable and has managed to weather the financial squalls better than most .


  3. As the frequent rain squalls and low clouds were unfavourable for air action , Phillips resolved to press on .


  4. Market squalls have tossed some of the bigger vessels in the euro-zone flotilla , including Italy and Spain .


  5. Analysts say that while emerging markets have been the setting for several recent financial squalls , the current exodus of capital could herald more fundamental changes .


  6. If the eurozone avoids further squalls and there is no big shift in the commodity market , then the call is fairly straightforward .


  7. We have the usual little squalls , but my wife and I often remark how much we enjoy our children , our friends and each other .


  8. But if these squalls continue , it is not just private-equity investors who will shiver .


  9. From dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see .


  10. On the voyage of life , he thought , one is often caught in such squalls , squalls which Can capsize one 's little boat .


  11. When the peacock loudly bawls , soon we 'll have both rain and squalls .


  12. Market squalls have tossed some of the bigger vessels in the euro-zone flotilla , includingItalyandSpain .


  13. If asset-market squalls do not merit a monetary response , worries about the wider impact of the housing slump on America 's economy may yet tip the balance .


  14. As to the economic difficulties that seem likely to hit much of the world in the next 18 months , he reckons the company can weather the squalls better than many other businesses .


  15. BUXTON , NC & Rain squalls and gusting winds from Hurricane Earl became more pronounced along the North Carolina Outer Banks , Thursday night .


  16. Hong Kong schools , financial markets , and businesses have shut as Typhoon Nesat brought howling winds , squalls of rain and rough seas to the territory .


  17. For several hours in the early part of the day , New Orleans was battered by powerful squalls that threatened to dump four-month worth of normal rainfall in a single morning .


  18. Errors and uncertainties multiply , cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features , from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see .
