spread rumours

美 [spred ˈruːmərz]英 [spred ˈruːməz]
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spread rumoursspread rumours
  1. In the letter , the servant pleads for the queen 's forgiveness after the French duke spread rumours of an imminent wedding throughout Europe .


  2. is going to get more money and we in marketing are going to get less money ; we 're afraid of what this rival company is doing - and so we spread rumours about them . "


  3. A spokesman for Onepoll said : " It is commonly believed that women are the ones who love to spread rumours , and gossip about their friends behind their backs .


  4. With the development of Internet communication technology , spread of rumours is not only from one person to another but rely on Internet . So that both the scope and speed of rumours ' spread has been expanded and raised .


  5. " If I do nothing , though , they 'll just spread these tiresome rumours . "


  6. They stated that the spread of such rumours without confirmation is considered malicious , and that it has affected their image .


  7. As the Internet develops at fast speed , consumers of the Internet increase , and the spread of social rumours , the information rubbish , becomes the negative of the mainstream of social consciousness .


  8. Setiogi , a communications officer at the World Health Organization ( WHO ) in Geneva , knew she had to combat the wildfire spread of such rumours with some well chosen advice .
