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  • 网络斯普拉特利
  1. Study of the Peaceful Solution to Resolve the Dispute of the Spratly Islands


  2. Oil Exploitation in the Spratly Waters And the Sovereignty Disputes


  3. The areas with the most overlapping claims are mainly near the Spratly and Paracel island groups .


  4. In October , Vietnamese troops fired upon a Philippine air force plane on reconnaissance in the Spratly Islands .


  5. four lived on Nanwei Dao ( Spratly Island ) , one person more over that of 1930 .


  6. In China , they are mainly distributed in Hainan Island , Taiwan island as well as Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands .


  7. China 's choice of a good time and breakthrough in the waters of the Spratly Islands , held an unprecedented large sea-sky three-dimensional military exercises .


  8. The new Luogang District and the Spratly Islands District , Guangzhou is the economic future of both the two major " economic engine " of the upgrade .


  9. Some also believe that the contested Spratly and Paracel islands sit on vast oil and gas reserves , a claim yet unproven .


  10. In may , Chinese warships were accused of harassing a Philippine navy vessel after it ran aground near the Spratly islands .


  11. Japan renounces all right , title and claim to the Spratly Islands and to the Paracel Ialands .


  12. This is the case with virtually all the islands being disputed on Paracel and Spratly archipelagos .


  13. China , which claims the Spratly and all other waters in the South China Sea , last week demanded that its southern neighbors halt any oil exploration there without Beijing 's permission .


  14. Yet , apart from claims over the virtually uninhabited Spratly and Paracel Islands , China is not expansionist : it already has its empire .


  15. The other major claimant in the area is the Philippines , which invokes its geographical proximity to the Spratly Islands as the main basis of its claim for part of the grouping .


  16. China , Brunei , Malaysia , Vietnam , and the Philippines also claim all or parts of the South China Sea , including the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos and Taiwan 's ecological research zone .


  17. Sansha , the name of the district and garrison , is a reference to the Chinese names of the Spratly and Paracel archipelagos and the Macclesfield Bank .


  18. A year and a half ago Fiery Cross Reef in the Spratly Islands was a mere lump of coral but it is now a small island , following a concerted effort by high-tech dredging barges .


  19. Hanoi has responded by seeking to internationalise the territorial dispute , calling on other claimants to some of the contested Paracel and Spratly Islands – Brunei , Malaysia , the Philippines and Taiwan – to hold joint talks and attempting to bring in the US as a mediator .
