
美 [ˈsɔːrt aʊt]英 [ˈsɔːt aʊt]
  • n.整理;清理


BrE informal整理;清理
an act of arranging or organizing the contents of sth in a tidy or neat way and removing things you do not want

  1. I gave the bedroom a good sort-out .


  2. There are15 problems about the sort-out of " Poems of Quan Song and Poems of Li Ting-rui " for us to discuss .


  3. Study on the Arrangement and the Sort-out of National Literature


  4. So a macro-grasp and serious sort-out on the modern Chinese initiation novel as a whole is imperative .


  5. The sort-out work of the potsherd unearthed in1991at the foot of Jilong hill near the Zhanglin ancient port in Chenghai has called a phase not long ago .


  6. Looking at the full text of the article is mainly divided into the following three parts : Part ⅰ; first part of the article , at first main explains the origin of this study , significance , innovation and difficulties , sort-out and comments the related research .
