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美 [ˈsɔːftli]英 [ˈsɒftli]
  • adv.轻轻地;轻柔地;柔和地;温和地

最高级: most softly 比较级: more softly

soft adj.易弯曲的 + -ly ...地



in a soft way

She closed the door softly behind her.


‘I missed you,’ he said softly.


The room was softly lit by a lamp.


a softly tailored suit




  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 软的;柔软的
    Something that is soft is pleasant to touch, and not rough or hard.

    Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple...


  • The sea air robbed her hair of its softness.


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED 软的;易弯曲的
    Something that is soft changes shape or bends easily when you press it.

    She lay down on the soft, comfortable bed...


  • 4
    ADJ-GRADED 线条柔和的;没有棱角的;平缓的
    Something that has a soft appearance has smooth curves rather than sharp or distinct edges.

    This is a smart, yet soft and feminine look.


  • She wore a softly tailored suit.


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED (声音、光芒、色彩等)柔和的
    Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to look at because it is not bright.

    There was a soft tapping on my door...


  • 'I'm sorry,' he said softly...


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED 宽容的;不严厉的;心慈手软的
    If you are soft on someone, you do not treat them as strictly or severely as you should do.

    The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals...


  • 9
    ADJ-GRADED 同情(别人)的;心软的
    If you say that someone has a soft heart, you mean that they are sensitive and sympathetic towards other people.

    Her rather tough and worldly exterior hides a very soft and sensitive heart.


  • 10
    ADJ-GRADED (生活)轻松的,不费力气的
    You use soft to describe a way of life that is easy and involves very little work.

    The regime at Latchmere could be seen as a soft option...


  • 11
    ADJ (大麻等毒品)软性的
    Soft drugs are drugs, such as cannabis, which are illegal but which many people do not consider to be strong or harmful.

  • 12
    ADJ-GRADED (目标)易被攻击的
    A soft target is a place or person that can easily be attacked.

    Women who carry cash about in the streets, as they very often have to, are a very soft target.


  • 13
    ADJ-GRADED (水)含钙量低的,软性的
    Soft water does not contain much of the mineral calcium and so makes bubbles easily when you use soap.

  • 14
    PHRASE 特别喜爱;特别疼爱;钟爱
    If you have a soft spot for someone or something, you feel a great deal of affection for them or like them a lot.

    Terry had a soft spot for me...


  • 15
    a soft touch→ see:touch


with low volume
speak softly but carry a big stick
she spoke quietly to the child
the radio was playing softly
Synonym: quietly
with little weight or force
she kissed him lightly on the forehead
Synonym: lightly gently
used as a direction in music;to be played relatively softly
Synonym: piano
in a manner that is pleasing to the senses
she smiled softly


  1. She kept repeating his name softly over and over again .


  2. In the corner , one youth sat alone , softly strumming a guitar


  3. ‘ I missed you , ’ he said softly .


  4. She closed the door softly behind her .


  5. The room was softly lit by a lamp .


  6. A dove cooed softly .


  7. He bent forward and laid a kiss softly upon her forehead


  8. Sand the surface softly and carefully .


  9. He spoke softly to a couple standing nearby


  10. He whispered so softly that none but Julie heard him .


  11. Murmuring softly that they must go somewhere to talk , he led her from the garden .


  12. ' Give me the knife , ' he said softly , ' or I 'll take it away from you . '


  13. She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michael 's cheek .


  14. The night lantern glowed softly in the darkness


  15. Very softly , she called out : ' Hallo ? Who 's there ? '


  16. She dashed out through the door , her stockinged feet thumping softly as she ran up the stairs


  17. He was whistling softly to himself


  18. He closed the door softly behind him .


  19. Tread softly .


  20. Please speak softly so as not to disturb those who are studying .


  21. She breathed her advice softly .


  22. She went into the bedroom softly so as not to wake her child ( or lest she should wake her child ) .


  23. Each time I would answer softly , " It 's me , Ray , Grandpa ! "


  24. Then a kiss , ever so softly , touched my brow .


  25. Evan : ( The class looks at him.He speaks softly ) Hello .


  26. " Ex-cuse me , Could y-o-u pl-ea-sebuy ... ? " said Angela softly to the first person she met .


  27. I jump from spaceships and as I fall , I turn , dive , circle and dance until I softly land as close as I can to the finishing line .


  28. He speaks too softly for her to hear .


  29. Fern chuckled softly , and her eyes grew wide with love for the pig .


  30. She chuckled softly to herself as she remembered his astonished look .



software n. 软件

soft adj.易弯曲的 + -ware 物

softball n. 垒球运动

soft adj.易弯曲的 + ball n.球


actually adv. 事实上

actual adj.实际存在的 + -ly ...地

angrily adv. 生气地

angr(y) 生气的 + -ly ...地

beautifully adv. 美丽地

beautiful adj.美的 + -ly ...地

carefully adv. 小心

careful adj.小心的 + -ly ...地

certainly adv. 当然

certain adj.有把握的 + -ly ...地

clearly adv. 清晰地

clear adj.清晰的 + -ly ...地

completely adv. 彻底地

complete adj.齐全的 + -ly ...地

correctly adv. 正确地

correct adj.正确的 + -ly ...地

directly adv. 直接地

direct adj.直达的 + -ly ...地

easily adv. 容易地

easy adj.容易的 + -ly ...地

especially adv. 尤其地

especial adj.特别的 + -ly ...地

exactly adv. 确切地

exact adj.确切的 + -ly ...地

finally adv. (用于列举)最后

final adj.最后的 + -ly ...地

gently adv. 轻轻地

gentle adj.温和的 + -ly ...地

happily adv. 快乐地

happ(y) 快乐的;高兴的 + -i- + -ly ...地

hardly adv. 几乎不

hard adj.坚实的 + -ly ...地

heavily adv. 沉重地

heavy adj.沉重 + -ly ...地

immediately adv. 立即

immediate adj.立即的 + -ly ...地

lonely adj. 孤独的

lone adj.孤独无伴的 + -ly ...地

loudly adv. 大声地

loud adj.喧闹的 + -ly ...地

luckily adv. 幸运的是

lucky adj.有好运的 + -ly ...地

mainly adv. 主要地

main adj.主要的 + -ly ...地

nearly adv. 几乎

near adv.近 + -ly ...地

politely adv. 有礼貌地

polite adj.有礼貌的 + -ly ...地

possibly adv. 可能地

possible adj.办得到的 + -ly ...地

probably adv. 可能

probab(le) 很可能的 + -ly ...地

properly adv. 正确地

proper adj.真正的 + -ly ...地

quickly adv. 迅速地

quick adj.快的 + -ly ...地

quietly adv. 安静地

quiet adj.安静的 + -ly ...地

rarely adv. 很少地

rare adj.稀有的 + -ly ...地

really adv. 真正地, 确实地

real adj.真实的 + -ly ...地

recently adv. 不久前

recent adj.最近的 + -ly ...地

sadly adv. 悲哀地

sad adj.悲伤的 + -ly ...地

seriously adv. 认真地

serious adj.严肃的 + -ly ...地

slowly adv. 慢速地

slow adj.低速的 + -ly ...地

suddenly adv. 突然

sudden 突然的 + -ly ...地

usually adv. 通常

usual 平常的 + -ly ...地

widely adv. 普遍地

wide adj.宽的 + -ly ...地

deeply adv. 深深地

deep adj.深的 + -ly ...地

deliberately adv. 故意

deliberate adj.有意的 + -ly ...地

eventually adv. 最后

eventual adj.最终的 + -ly ...地

firmly adv. 坚决地

firm 强 + -ly ...地

gradually adv. 逐步地

gradual adj.缓慢的 + -ly ...地

lately adv. 最近

late adj.晚的 + -ly ...地

mentally adv. 精神上

mental adj.精神的 + -ly ...地

merely adv. 仅仅

mere adj.只不过 + -ly ...地

multiply v.

multiple adj.多个的 + -ly ...地

partly adv. 一定程度上

part 部分,分开 + -ly ...地

personally adv. 个人

personal adj.个人的 + -ly ...地

publicly adv. 公开

public adj.公众的 + -ly ...地

sincerely adv. 真诚地

sincere adj.诚挚的 + -ly ...地

totally adv. 完全地

total adj.总的 + -ly ...地

truly adv. 真正地

tru(e) 真实的 + -ly ...地

willingly adv. 乐意地

willing adj.愿意的 + -ly ...地

absolutely adv. (强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地

absolute adj.完全的 + -ly ...地

accordingly adv. 照着

according adv.据…所述 + -ly ...地

approximately adv. 大概

approximate adj.近似的 + -ly ...地

awfully adv. 非常

awful adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

badly adv. 非常

bad adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

closely adv. 紧密地;接近地;仔细地;严密地;精密地

close adj.近的 + -ly ...地

commonly adv. 通常地

common adj.一般的 + -ly ...地

consequently adv. 因此

con- 共同, 一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ent ...的 + -ly ...地

conversely adv. 相反地

con- 共同, 一起 + vers 转 + -e + -ly ...地

definitely adv. 肯定

defin(e) 使明确 + -ite... 的 + -ly ...地

exceedingly adv. 非常

exceeding adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

exclusively adv. 唯一地

exclusive adj.排除其他一切的 + -ly ...地

extremely adv. 极其

extreme adj.极大的 + -ly ...地

fairly adv. 相当地

fair adj.公正的 + -ly ...地

fortunately adv. 幸运地

fortun(e) 运气 + -ate 具有...的 + -ly ...地

freely adv. 自由地

free adj.不受他人控制的 + -ly ...地

frequently adv. 频繁地

frequent adj.频繁的 + -ly ...地

generally adv. 通常地

general adj.全体的 + -ly ...地

greatly adv. 非常

great adj.超乎寻常的 + -ly ...地

highly adv.

high adj.高的 + -ly ...地

increasingly adv. 越来越多地

increas(e) 增加 + -ing 形容词后缀 + -ly ...地

instantly adv. 立刻

instant adj.立刻的 + -ly ...地

largely adv. 主要地

large adj.大的 + -ly ...地

lightly adv. 轻柔地

light n.光 + -ly ...地

mostly adv. 主要地

most det.&pro.最大的 + -ly ...地

namely adv.

name n.名字 + -ly ...地

naturally adv. 顺理成章地

natural adj.大自然的 + -ly ...地

necessarily adv. 必要地

necessar(y) 必要的 + -ly ...地

newly adv. 最近

new adj.新的 + -ly ...地

normally adv. 正常地

normal adj.正常的 + -ly ...地

obviously adv. 明显地

obvious 明显的 + -ly ...地

occasionally adv. 偶尔地

occasional adj.不经常的 + -ly ...地

orderly adj. 有秩序的

order n.次序 + -ly ...地

practically adv. 几乎

practical adj.实践的 + -ly ...地

presently adv. 目前

present adj.在场的 + -ly ...地

previously adv. 先前

previous adj.以前的 + -ly ...地

primarily adv. 主要地

primary adj.首要的 + -ly ...地

purely adv. 仅仅

pure adj.纯粹的 + -ly ...地

rapidly adv. 迅速地

rapid adj.快的 + -ly ...地

readily adv. 便利地

read(y) 预备好了的状态 + -ly ...地

regularly adv. 有规律地

regular adj.恒定的 + -ly ...地

relatively adv. 相当程度上

relative adj.相关的 + -ly ...地

repeatedly adv. 反复地

repeated vt.重复 + -ly ...地

respectively adv. 分别地

respective adj.各自的 + -ly ...地

roughly adv. 粗略地

rough adj.不平滑的 + -ly ...地

scarcely adv. 勉强

scarce adj.缺乏的 + -ly ...地

secondly adv. 其次

second num.第二 + -ly ...地

separately adv. 分别地

separate adj.分离的 + -ly ...地

severely adv. 严重地

severe adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

sharply adv. 尖刻地

sharp adj.锋利的 + -ly ...地

shortly adv. 不多时

short adj.短的 + -ly ...地

similarly adv. 相似地

similar adj.相似的 + -ly ...地

simply adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过

simple adj.简明的 + -ly ...地

slightly adv. 轻微地

slight adj.少量的 + -ly ...地

smoothly adv. 平稳地

smooth adj.光滑的 + -ly ...地

solely adv. 唯一地

sole n.脚底 + -ly ...地

steadily adv. 稳定地

steady adj.稳固的 + -ly ...地

strictly adv. 严格地

strict adj.严格的 + -ly ...地

strongly adv. 强烈地

strong adj.强劲的 + -ly ...地

successfully adv. 成功地

successful adj.成功的 + -ly ...地

surely adv. (对自己的话很有把握,希望他人同意)想必

sure adj.确信的 + -ly ...地

surprisingly adv. 惊人地

surprising adj.出人意料的 + -ly ...地

unlikely adj. 不大可能发生的

un- 否定 + like 像 + -ly ...地

virtually adv. 实际上

virtual 实质的 + -ly ...地

wholly adv. 完全地

whol(e) 整体 + -ly ...地

elderly adj. 老年人

elder adj.年龄较大的 + -ly ...地

barely adv. 仅仅

bare 缺少的 + -ly ...地

invariably adv. 一成不变

in- 不,无 + variabl(e) 可变的 + -ly ...地

incidentally adv. (引出新话题、附加信息、或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句

incident n.事件 + -al ...的 + -ly ...地

literally adv. 按字面

literal adj.按字面常用意义理解的 + -ly ...地

seemingly adv. 看似

seeming adj.表面上的 + -ly ...地